Sittin' On My Stool

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I was caught by Kimi who had been stood talking to a force India mechanic, who he told me was an old friend of his from his Ferrari days. There was nothing sinister about our conversation, I had simply bumped into him as I walked to the garage, but the look I saw on Nico's face when he emerged from the suite wasn't a nice one.

"What are you talking to the enemy for Raikkonen?!" a Lotus guy teased us. The comment took my attention away from Nico's death stare at Kimi. I heard Kimi laugh at the guy and then he turned back to me, "goodbye" he said softly, then turned on his heel and joined his team member and walked back to their end of the paddock.

Nico never said a word to me when he reached me, "you ready?" I asked, looking up to him, he nodded simply and walked straight into the garage, with me falling behind him.


Gladly, as soon as we were back in the garage, the mood was lifted and Nico was back in driver mode as he talked to his engineers. I, as before, sat on the chair at the back of the garage watching what was going on. I rested the headphones on my lap as I looked around, to the other side of the garage, seeing Laura waving at me. I grinned at her and climbed off my seat, sneaking over to her.
"Hey you okay?" she asked with a smile, "Yeah, I'm loving this" I beamed at her, making her nod. "How's Nico?" she asked, giving him or at least his car a glance. "Okay," I nodded, "we're getting along really well, that is until Kimi bumped into me as I was coming back in here" Laura pulled a face. "Nico did not look impressed he was talking to me"
"what did he say?" she asked, "not much, just asked if I was enjoying myself and that I looked pretty" I shrugged, Laura pulled another face. "He left before Nico came over to us, and when he did he just walked straight into the garage" I explained. "His ego will need a massage" Laura said, making me giggle, "You're tellin me! Its hard keeping these drivers in check isn't it" I sighed, she laughed and nodded wisely. "What are the plans for you guys tonight?" I asked her, knowing that the drivers have a routine for the nights before qualy and the race. "oh, well usually we grab room service and chill out there all night" she told me, I nodded, "cool"
"hasn't Nico asked you yet?" I frowned, "asked me what?" Laura sighed, "Paul told me that Nico was gonna ask you to go for some dinner together tonight" she said, pulling a worried face. I rolled my eyes, "well I doubt that'll be happening tonight" I said, scoffing at his behaviour. Laura giggled at me, "oh I wouldn't be so sure" she said, raising an eyebrow and nodding behind me. I frowned, turning to look over my shoulder, seeing Nico watching me as his engineer talked over something on the paperwork Nico was holding, clearly not listening to a word he said. I grinned once I turned back to Laura. "hopefully I'll catch you later on sometime" she said, "yeah" I nodded, "but don't worry about it, you and Paul do your thing tonight, and I'll see you here tomorrow" I said, "I'm sure you'll have your hands full with that one" she giggled a little more as I readied myself to rejoin the German's side of the garage. I laughed at her and shook my head.


I headed back over to my stool, taking the seat as I pulled the headphones around my neck. I looked up and saw Nico looking back down at his paperwork, this time talking through it with the guy. I hoped he wasn't pissed at me, after all, I hadn't actually done anything wrong, but I did feel bad that he was upset, I mean, he did invite me to spend the day in his garage and he caught me talking to the guy who wanted to get in my pants. Yeah, maybe it hadn't looked too good, especially after kissing him earlier....

I sighed, watching him a little longer. Hell he was gorgeous. Towering above everyone as he talked through the car with his engineers, the serious look on his face that you only saw when he was talking through stats or actually driving the car. He stood with his hands on his hips, nodding to something Mike was saying to him when Mike glanced over at me, followed by Nico. Suddenly I felt my face blush and my heart beat a little harder, and then I realised I was staring.

"you're itching to get in that car aren't you" Mike chuckled calling over to me. I blushed a little, but the huge smile on my face answered his question. they both laughed, thankfully they thought I had been staring at the car, and not Nico. I looked to his face once more, there was that smile, the smile that made my knees weak, and he was looking at me, I looked away coyly as his gaze lingered upon me, and when I looked back, he was walking in my direction.

"I have to head back out again in a minute" he said, looking down at me as I sat on the stool. "okay" I nodded, looking up into his eyes, then feeling him place his thumb and forefinger on my chin, "I would very much like to kiss you" he said in almost a whisper, fortunately the garage was always so loud, so no one could hear him. Instantly my cheeks blushed. I smiled at him shyly. "would you like to have dinner with me tonight?" he asked, seeming like his mood from earlier had completely evaporated. I smiled at him again, "get fastest lap, and I'll think about it" I teased, making him chuckle, then dropping his hand from my face. "let's go Hulk!" a voice yelled to him, making him nod as he kept his eyes fixed on mine. We were grinning at each other playfully when he pulled his cap off his head, dropping it onto mine, as he turned away to pull on his helmet.

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