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The key nickname that Selena was called at Payne Academy was 'tranny', that word made her shiver, the boys didn't even look at her. They would then be associated with the 'tranny' and that was a dangerous zone. She was ignored, the only thing that made her special was her transition.

Hunter could not see his daughter go through any more pain, so he got her tickets to go to a VIP First Route concert, with a backstage pass. That Christmas he told her that Santa wanted her to live her dreams at that concert, meet the boys, have the best time of her life.

"How generous your father has been, you must be so excited!" Said her mother as she smiled at her husband.

"No more depressive mood swings from Simon then, hooray." Said Megan sarcastically.

"Thank you so much, you have no idea how much this means to me." Selena ran up and hugged her father, she was glad that someone cared about her, that he wanted her to live her life. She was glad that her family wasn't embarrassed about her transgender lifestyle.

Over the Christmas holidays, Selena attended the First Route concert. She woke up the next day with the memories of the best night of her life, she couldn't believe that something so great happened to her. By the end of that, she was filled with positivity, she had some hope that things would get better with time, and maybe they would. She came with newfound confidence and she had just learnt the powers of makeup, she looked stunning.

Now at Payne Academy, the girls were less bitchy and judgemental, the boys seemed more interested, all she had to do was have confidence in herself, and of course use that makeup that made her 'prettier' to her peers. She had found that her insecurities had flown away.

But that happiness did not last and she couldn't decipher why, she could have been out there, getting her high school experience, getting a boyfriend, living her life, but instead she stayed home, buried in tubs of ice cream. They should have treated me like this before, I shouldn't need the makeup, they should appreciate me for being me, not the tranny that they say I am. I will not give in to their mind games.

It had now become Summer, Selena was a completely inferior person, she had been in baggy hoodies, hardly washing, refusing to go to school, lying in bed, staring at the ceiling, unable to get to sleep. Selena never brushed her hair, or washed it, the grease was unbearable, but somehow, it was a sense of comfort to her.

During the annual Minters' barbecue, Selena had overdosed on sleeping pills, causing her to be rushed to A&E, where they were required to pump her stomach. In the waiting room, Layla was looking through travel magazines, while waiting for the news on her daughter, seeing one for London, claiming that she had always wanted to go there.

When Selena was discharged, she was told that they moving the next day, for the first time in a long while, Selena smiled.

"New beginnings!" Selena whispered as she crossed her fingers.

She watched the rain patter onto her car window, sending her eyes to get heavy, feeling deep, into a content sleep.

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