S E L E N A || 7

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Megan and Selena were currently skipping down Horan Close, not looking like they had just been in a tremendously long car journey. They had a lot of energy for teens that weren't used to being cooped up for hours.

They were walking in complete silence, Selena didn't feel like talking to Megan after she assumed she had never kissed anyone.

They were surrounded by wet grass and tall trees, making the street look like a cross between a rainforest and a ravine.

Megan began to walk noticeably faster when they got into Malik Way, asking anyone and everybody where the shopping centre was, or just anywhere that they could be without groups of over 50s loitering about.

They had been pointed to a nearby park, when they got there, Megan was less than pleased.

"Are you sure we went in the right direction?" Moaned Megan.

Street performers danced about, some painted fully in body paint. So much that you could even see their not so private parts.

There was only one person who looked around their age. It was the boy from the garden, punching a nearby wall. Looking at his sore knuckles, then continuing to hit the wall.

"Hey!" Megan yelled, while walking towards the boy.

Selena had to admit that her feelings grew as she got closer to the boy. 

Perspiration invading his temples, making him look like he'd just been fighting a world class wrestler. He made eye contact with me, while pulling his shirt down, which had climbed up his chest. 

"Hey, do you remember us? This is my sister."

Selena gave a deathly stare to her sister then looking back at the boy.

"U-h I'm Selena, i-it's nice to meet you." She said, looking at the ground, fiddling with her bracelets.

"I'm JJ." He said, not making anymore eye contact than needed.

"You're nice and all, but is there a chance you have a handsome best friend I can hook up with." Said Megan.

"Sorry, there's only me." JJ said, his cheeks threatening to burn up.

"You're accent sounds different, are you guys new here?"

"Yeah, we're the newbies, we're from Bristol, we moved because of my transition."

"Wow, way to turn a guy on, Sel." Megan sarcastically said.

JJ sympathetically looked at Selena, telling her that he really didn't mind about her being trans.

"So, what's Styles High School and Sixth Form like then?"

"It's alright, I go there, I'll be in year 11 this time."

"Are the people totally arses, or what?"

"Their okay, I suppose, no one likes me that much, my dads the history teacher, it doesn't give me a good rep."

"Well you can be my friend."
Shit, why did I say that.

JJ furiously began scribbling his number down on a piece of paper, handing the unreadable paper to Selena.

"Well I've got to go." The boy said, standing up and rushing away from the two girls.

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