Chapter 7: The Party

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(At Quartz Ballroom)

(Sapphire's POV)

I am sitting on an elaborate chair, being swarmed by Chalcedonian suitors. I have already informed my mother that I want to marry a nobleman from back home. I'm not trying to be racist or anything, its just the suitors here are very egotistical and overbearing. The suitors from Sapphiero are usually far more humble kind and gentile. Though right now the only gem I can think of is Ruby. My mind is racing, my heart is pounding. What happened to her? Should I send a search party? I wanted to go after her, but the driver locked me in the chariot "for my safety" and sped off, and they certainly wouldn't send a search party for a servant.

I try not to show discomfort at the party, but my hands are shaking and I feel as though I have a headache. It's as if being apart from Ruby has made me physically ill.

"Your highness..." one of the suitors asks. "Are you well?"

"Quite well, yes."

"Well enough for a dance? I could tell you about all the money I have made thus far with my current business and-"

"Sapphire your Majesty! Would you care for a-"

"Sapphire! Dance with me!"

"I'm currently earning-"

"Shall we just get married already?"

My hired friends, seeing that I was clearly being harassed, and have been for the past 10 minutes, start to come over to break the crowd, but I have this sorted.

"Oh, I am sorry...I very bad at Chalsish, I don't understand." They are naturally taken aback and clear off slightly. However, one very egotistical gem remains.

"Not from here? I couldn't even tell you were tainted with Sapphian blood."

A classic racist. 

"Please, what dance do you do here?" I ask with a dumb smile. Mocking suitors should distract me from least for a little while.

"Well I'm glad you asked, foreigner. I'll speak nice and slowly from now on so that you can keep up."

We walk to the centre of the ballroom. The fool waves his hand in the air flamboyantly, and the band start to play a rather boring tune, and he holds my body stiffly, and starts turning to the music.

Only 1 minute in and I am already bored out of my life, so my mind wanders and I think of Ruby. Maybe I should send a search party. Would they even bother? I keep imagining the worst.

"So!" My suitor snaps me out of my trance; we have been spinning in the same direction for 20 minutes now (which really doesn't help my headache). "How do you like Chalsish dancing?"

"It's okay I guess...but Sapphians dance much better."

The suitor pulls a face and looks away. I can't help but chuckle to my self.

"In...what way are Sapphian men's movements superior to mine?"

"In every way really. More hip movement, elegance, fluency. I am deeply attracted to men with fluency."

"Fluency is to wild and inappropriate. Surely you want a gem with a strong, dependent frame and chiselled face."

"Maybe for a Chalsish girl, but I belong in Sapphiero."

"Why would you ever want to go back to Sapphiero? A life of drinking, excitement and eroticism is too wild for a princess, wouldn't you say?"

"Perhaps. But you see, one of my servants talked to me in the shower room, a gem definitely worthy of my hand in marriage."

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