Chapter 21

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This is so overdue but I just wanted you guys to know there are only four chapters and the epilogue left D:

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*Miya's POV*

"Derek!" I shouted at him as he threw his fifth snow ball at my face.

He started laughing harder than I've seen him before.

I picked up a snow ball from the ground with my bare hands and chucked it at him, missing and hitting Stiles instead.

"Oh. This. Is war miss Miya!" Stiles shouted gripping a snow ball in his hands.

He aimed for me but when he missed and i snickered, Scott said, "stop laughing and watch how the pros do it," with a wink to Derek.

Derek grinned and they both picked up a snow ball and aimed for each other, but as soon as they were about to throw it at each other, they threw it at Stiles and I hitting us each hard in the face causing me to fall on my ass and stiles to stand there looking like an idiot.

"What the hell?!" I shouted as Derek began his way back down the hill.

I sprinted up to him and jumped on his back making us both topple over.

I yelped as my mouth hit a rock.

"Ow. Son of a bitch that hurt."

"Are you okay?" Derek asked concerned.

"Yeah I'm fine. Where do you think you're going?"

"To the car."

"Derek. We're like half way there already what's so important about the car?"

"My phone is in there," he whined.

"Oh no. Get up. Get your ass to the house. I'm freezing for some odd reason and your the only one who knows where were going. You can use mine if you need to," I stated getting up and pulling him up with me.

He sulked but turned around and trudged up the mountain for about two hours until I complained my feet hurt and he gave me a piggy back ride the rest of the way.

"Dude," Scott started, "you are so whipped."

"Hey you're no better with Allison," I shot back.

Derek snickered and Stiles high fived me.

Once we walked up to the house I about died.

I think Scott, Stiles, and I all just about fell over in awe.

The house was huge!

The front had a beautiful glass window and looked about four stories high.

It seemed to have a few add ons, but I liked it.

The inside was even bigger.

There were about six couches when we first walked in, two giant tv's that were both playing the same thing and being watched by a little girl that looked no more than six.

She looked over at us and squealed. "Uncle Derek!" She than ran over to Derek and jumped into his arms and he caught her swiftly.

"Hey pumpkin, how are you?" He asked kissing the top of her head.

"Good! Look! My fangs are coming in! I'll be able to beat you up soon!" She said excitedly.

I looked at Scott and stiles and they just shrugged.

"Uncle Derek, who are these people?" She asked sweetly.

"This," he said gesturing to me, "is my girlfriend Miya," he pointed to Scott and said, "that is Scott and his idiot best friend Stiles," I chuckled at that and the little girl introduced herself to us as Emily.

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