"Come Here For A Moment."

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sorry about deleting the other kagehina fic, i lost interest.


221B Baker Street was the place. Sherlock was his name. Everyone in London knew the infamous Sherlock Holmes and his assistant, John Watson. If you had a case, he'd solve it. Although he worked mainly for the police since they provided murders. Sherlock and John were currently at the top of a famous Hotel, where a man laid naked and dead, wrapped in pink sheets. It was Valentines Day. The man's name was Charles Carbine.

Sherlock and John arrived to the scene, and Sherlock assesed it. 

"Looks like poisoning. The man was poisoned oraly. The lady made her escape in the middle of intercourse." Sherlock said. He crounched down onto the floor, and pulled a mini black light out of his coat pocket. He scanned the ground, and Lestrade and the others saw the highlited spots leading towards the window.

"So she jumped out the window?" Lestrade asked dumbfounded. John opened the door for him, and Sherlock scanned the patio. The spots stopped on the patio ledge.

"She jumped off the balcony. So she must be dead." Anderson voiced. Sherlock sighed and pocketed the light.

"Stop talking. You're lowering the IQ of the entire nation, Anderson." Sherlock hushed him.

"Do you think it was faked?" John asked. Sherlock looked into his eyes.

"Like she purposely dripped the substance around to the patio to throw the police off?" Sherlock thought. Somewhat as a statement and a question.

John nodded. "It makes sense. Recently some of the recent criminals are trying to throw you off since they know you come to every juicy scene. Maybe be tried to throw you off by dripping it to the patio."

Sherlock looked around. "You might actually be right. If it was coming from her, then there would be splotches. But there are only dripps. Like she purposely dripped something across the floor. That would also explain her clothes being gone. Well done John." Sherlock praised him. Lestrade got some people to swab the areas, and Sherlock looked around the drawers.

He found a bottle of Viagra pills. He sniffed the inside of the container and quickly closed the container. He held up the bottle.

"Here is your murder weapon. Cyanide pills in the disguise of Viagra." He told Lestrade. He had Anderson bag it up, and John looked around the body. His eyes were open and bloodyshot. He looked into his mouth, and saw a lot of residue on the roof of his mouth.

"It looks like the pills got stuck on the roof of his mouth, and the pill dissolved into his mouth. Most likely someone shoved it into his mouth, and he didn't have a chance to swallow it." John said. Sherlock inspected the man's mouth, and saw lipstick residue around his lips. He looked down his throat and got an idea.

"Viagra pills and Cyanide pills look completely different from the other. The man didn't take the pill willingly since it wasn't even blue. That means it was forced into his mouth. But the woman did not use her hand because the lipstick would've smudged. Which means it was forced down his mouth another way." Sherlock deducted.

He looked around. He got another idea.

"Lestrade. Do you have a hard candy I could have?" Sherlock asked. Lestrade looked through his pockets, and pulled out a hard candy wrapped in pink paper. "Come here for a moment." Sherlock told John. He walked over in front of Sherlock.

"You like these, don't you? I remember you like strawberry sweets." Sherlock commented. He popped the candy into his mouth, and pulled John towards him. Their lips connected, and John froze. He felt something shove into his mouth, and Sherlock stepped back. John felt the candy stuck to the top of his mouth. He spat it out into the garbage.

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