The Fall

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John was casually clipping through the channels on the telly. He stopped on one news channel, and listened tentatively.

"One of the extensions of Buckingham Palace is crumbled to pieces and on fire! The Queen, and what's left of her staff are being evacuated as we speak! An estimated total of 37 staff members are said to be dead! Air control are trying to put out the fire, but it is still spreading!" Yelled a man into a microphone. He, and hundred of more people were gathering outside of the gates, to film the fire. John watched attentively, and Sherlock listened from the kitchen.

"I guess it's time." John said.

"We still do not know if Moriarty was behind this. There is a pool of skilled people out there that could do the same thing." Sherlock reminded him.

"Find. But when it turns out to be Moriarty, do not say you told me so." John said as he turned the tv off. It hadn't even been 3 days after seeing Molly, when the palace was burning. Officials said it was most likely a bomb planted inside the palace. But no one knew who did it. They might be dead already.

"Well be prepared to go to the palace once the fire is out. I bet Mycroft is going to sign you up to clear the case." John warned. Speak of the devil, Sherlock's phone started to ring. The only people who called Sherlock were Mycroft and John, but it wasn't John. John picked up the phone, and put it on speaker.

"If you're calling us to tell us to solve the case, we will. So don't get your knickers-" John started.

"Do not. Whatever you do, do not solve the case." Mycroft started. "Do not speak of the palace. Do not leave the flat. All you need to do is nonchalantly get up, and head downstairs to Mrs. Hudson, and say the word 'basement.' Do not look suspicious. Talk to each other as if you are going to give her a visit. People are watching you from outside. I will explain everything in a moment. Just go to Mrs. Hudson. Remember to say 'basement'." Mycroft finished. He hung up, and John turned the phone off. John and Sherlock shared a quick look, before placing smiles onto their face.

"Doesn't Mrs. Hudson still have our pot? I was thinking about cooking something tonight, but I need it. I'll go down to give her a visit." John said casually. He stood up, and used his cane to walk out of the room.

"I think I'll join you. I think she still has my scarf from last week." Sherlock said. They walked down the stairs, and knocked onto Mrs. Hudson's door. She opened the door happily.

"Hello there loves-" She started. Sherlock interrupted her.

"Basement." He said. She looked confused, but then she nodded her head. She let them in, and guided them to her room, and closed the door.

"I didn't think we'd ever need to use this protocol. It seemed silly at the moment." She said. She weakly pushed her metal bed across the room, and pulled back the rug where her bed used to be. Underneath was a metal door, with a key code and finger print scanner. She quickly put in a long string of codes, and placed her finger on the pad.

"I guess it's needed. Please place your thumbs on the keypad." She told them. Sherlock scanned his thumb, and then John. It took a moment, but they heard a click, and the handle turned. Mrs. Hudson swung open the door, and pointed down.

"There is green fluorescent paint that will guide you to where you need to go. Keep following the green until you reach the metal door." She instructed them. She whispered into Sherlock's ear, and then sent them both down. Once they were inside the tunnel, Mrs. Hudson closed the hatch, and the two were left in total darkness.

John wrapped his arm around Sherlock's so he wouldn't fall in the dark. They both followed the glowing green paint, and they reached the door. Sherlock placed into the keypad the line of code that Mrs. Hudson told him, and they entered a small room, with three chairs. Mycroft was in one of them.

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