Gun Point

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The next morning, Sherlock and John left early to get the results from the DNA. Sherlock analyzed the data, and he got some answers.

"Well the DNA is similar to Mrs. Carbine's DNA, but not the same. Someone from her family. The outside DNA matches Charles. It looks like a sister." Sherlock said. They headed to the station, and looked through all the files she had. She did have a sister, but she passed the year before. No brothers or parents. No one alive. Sherlock didn't know how it was a relative's DNA.

"Let's confront her. I'm sure I can get her to confess." John said. Sherlock raised an eyebrow, but followed him anyways. They headed back to the woman's flat, and they all sat in the living room.

"If you don't mind me asking, but can I do a little check on you. Nothing physical. Just answer my questions truthfully and I'll get everything I need." John told her. He sat her on the couch, and he walked around the room. Sherlock kept his eyes on her body movement, and let John talk.

"So I heard you used to have a sister. But she passed away last year. What happened?" John asked. She twiddled her thumbs.

"Burned in a house fire in my childhood home." She told him.

"So no body was recovered, I assume." John said. She agreed.

"The fire was caused by an open flame, am I correct. One from a candle." John asked.

"Yeah. I thought you didn't know how my sister died?" She asked.

John shook his head. "I knew the whole time. I'm just making sure you are telling me the truth. Now be really careful. Because I did a lot of research. I can tell if you are lying, and so can Sherlock." John warned her. John was training in interrogation, so he knew exactly how to go about this.

The woman looked a bit nervous. Her leg started bounce, and she twiddled her thumbs.

"Alright. Do you know who killed your husband?" John asked. She shook her head. Sherlock smiled.

"You're lying. You know exactly who killed him." Sherlock said.

She shook her head. "Why would I kill my husband? I could never!" She quickly defended.

"I never accused you of killing him." John told her. She became quiet, and just sat there. She was pale. John crouched down in front of her, and Sherlock sat next to her.

"I know you didn't kill your husband. You're not clever enough. And the fact that whoever killed Charles is a relative of yours, makes things a lot more complicated. Am I right for thinking that your sister never died?" John asked.

"Of course not!" She exclaimed angrily. John stood back up and let her rant. "Why would my sister fake her death?! That's just extra! The fire was too bad for a body to be recovered! She's dead." She finished. Sherlock patted John on the back.

"Well done. Interrogations are very exciting." Sherlock complimented. John smiled.

"Another thing. I never accused your sister of faking her death." John said. The woman was quiet for a couple moments, but she then started to break down.

"Tell us the truth. The whole truth." John asked of her.

"My sister is alive. She was in some serious money issue with her drug dealer, so she faked her death. I've was helping her out at first, but then she started to take some odd jobs. She became really sought after. And when I heard that my husband was cheating again after what happened last year, I told my sister. She was so mad, that she vowed to kill him. I told her not to, but she still did. I found out right after she left. She swung over to tell me the news. I came to you so it would look like I knew nothing about what happened." The woman admitted.

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