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The next morning, John woke up early. He had a nightmare, and couldn't get back to sleep. He headed to the kitchen to make breakfast, and passed Sherlock, who was sleeping on the couch. John opened the egg carton and found more eye balls inside the carton. John sighed, and looked through the heart bin. He found the eggs laying at the bottom. He cleaned them off, and scrambled some. He brewed some coffee, and sat down to eat. He set aside a plate and cup for Sherlock, although he usually never eats it. But he had it out anyways. He walked over to Sherlock with the plate and fork in his hand, and nudged him awake with his foot.

"Wake up. I've got breakfast." John said. Sherlock sat up, his hair a mess, and looked around. He saw the plate in John's hand.

"You made that?" Sherlock asked.

"Well it was certainly not Mrs. Hudson." John told him. Sherlock took the plate out of his hands, and started to eat. John shrugged his shoulders. 'Guess he was hungry after 72 hours of not eating.' John thought to himself. He went upstairs to get dressed, and came back down. He noticed that Sherlock ate the food he made, and drank the tea. Sherlock was already dressed, and ready to leave. They walked down the stairs, and placed their hats on.

"Where are you two off to?" They heard Mrs. Hudson call to them.

"To the Morgue. I assume dinner will be waiting for us when we get back." Sherlock said.

She huffed. "I am a landlord, not your mother." She said.

"Do not worry. He is just joking around. We'll be off, don't wait up." John told her as the two left the flat.

They hailed a cabby, and got to the morgue relatively quick. They went to the forensics lab, and found Molly hunched over a microscope.

"Hello there." Molly greeted them happily.

"Hello Molly. Have you gotten any DNA from Charles yet?" John asked. She shook her head.

"I'm dumbfounded. I've checked every orafice. The lipstick smudge has no DNA on it. None. Only traces of silicone. Every other orafice is clean. Whoever had sex with him knew how to keep him clean, because I can't find anything. There weren't any hickeys or anything." Molly said exasperated. Sherlock moved her over, and inspected the slid.

"Is it true that you had sexual relations with this man last year?" Sherlock asked. Molly sighed.

"I did. I met him at a bar, and we went back to his place. I didn't know he was married until his wife came home and kicked me out. Never saw the bloke again until yesterday when he rolled up in a body bag." Molly told him.

"Where were you yesterday?" John asked.

"In here examining an older woman. The family thought she was killed but she just passed from a lodged bacon bit in her throat." Molly told him.

"Well then I guess you aren't the killer. Do you have any idea who could've done it? Size? Body type? Anything?" Sherlock asked. Molly shook her head.

" Do you have any idea's floating around in your head at the moment?" John asked.

"A couple, but they aren't pertinent to the case. Let's go visit the wife at her home." Sherlock said. The two left as quickly as they arrived, and they went to the wife's home, which was a small flat, with light pink wallpaper around the rooms.

The woman let them in, and sat them down on a pink sofa couch, with pink throw pillows. She wore a pink dress, with pink lipstick.

"So what can I do for you?" She asked.

"Could we have a look around the home. To get an understanding of Charles. Certain patterns and the sort." John hurried. She nodded, and opened the doors for them.

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