Chapter 5

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A/N: Sorry I've been bad about updating this story. This past week was really bad and stressful and I didn't have time to write. Pretty soon this will be my primary story and I'll be able to work on it more. I really want to be able to update these stories frequently, but it might just be a couple times a week. 

Hopefully the next few weeks won't be as hectic. I had several tests to study for and it didn't help that the boyf and I had a little domestic that lasted half the week. I'm really good at being stressed out and appearing to be calm. My new tech teacher said I was surprisingly calm for someone who always has coffee.

I really hope all of you like this chapter. I love all of you who are reading this and putting up with my annoying update schedule (it will get better).

John wanted to look further into his attraction to Sherlock. He had never even considered that he was attracted to men before this. What was it about Sherlock? Yes, he was handsome, there was no denying that. But John had seen other men who were good looking without being attracted to them. It definitely wasn't the fact that he was cute or sweet like some of the girls John had dated in the past. Sherlock was rude and annoying and always seemed to rub people the wrong way. John could see that there was more to him than that, though. 

Sherlock was brilliant. Maybe that was it. John had been amazed the very first time Sherlock made a deduction about him. He didn't know how it was possible for someone to be that observant. He was also smart in other subjects, too. Sherlock was in the highest science classes he could get into and he read books on random things for fun. His mind was extraordinary and John loved that. 

He decided that he was going to try to get to know Sherlock better before trying to figure much more out. Was Sherlock gay? Bi? He never said before when John had asked. Did Sherlock like him at all? They were sort of friends, but Sherlock had compared John to a pet. Maybe that was his weird way of saying that he liked John. John figured the best way to find out more about Sherlock was to spend more time with him. 

"Sherlock, would you mind if I went to the library with you tomorrow morning?"

"That's fine as long as you don't make noise. My mornings are when I get away from everyone, so you trying to start a conversation would ruin that."

"Yeah of course. I just wanted to go look around more. It's huge and I haven't really ventured out of the non fiction section yet."

"Yes, fine. You can come along."

Good. This will give me a chance to spend a little more time with Sherlock without being suspicious. He'd notice something was off if I asked him to hang out after classes or something. I could go to the library with him and pass it off as me having to return a book or do homework or something. 

Sherlock was surprised that John wanted to go to the library with him in the morning. It must be incredibly boring for an ordinary person. Did John really understand that when he said he didn't want to talk he meant it? John still wanted to go anyway. Normal people can enjoy libraries, in their own, silly little way. 

Was John just trying to be friendly? Is that what friends do? Go out of their way to spend more time together than they have to? Wouldn't being roommates be enough time together? Sherlock really doesn't understand people and friendships and human interaction in general. 

The next day went by quickly. John was eager to get up and go to the library with Sherlock. It wasn't exciting, but it gave John a chance to observe him from a distance without other people in the way. All the meals other than breakfast were spent with Molly and Greg like usual. John felt the minutes slowly ticking by until the next time he got to see Sherlock. This stupid little crush is growing.

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