Chapter ten

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"My goodness Darling! I just knew something was wrong when they told me to come get you for the first time EVER." Daharia scolds, as she washes my skin clean in the big tub. "That bruise is just not RIGHT, that must have been a hard fall you took from that ladder in training yesterday." Tutting, she scrubs harder at the last of the skin I have left on my arms.

"Hey! Watch out or in a second you be sanding down my bones!" Taking a deep breath, she nods and gently slides my arm into the soapy water.

"Step on out now, would you honey?" Daharia hands me a towel and I climb out of the tub. "Aaannnd, this is your romper for visiting hours!" She pulls out a deep blue dress that rises more than halfway up my thigh. "What a cute outfit, don't you think?" I pull on the romper and swirl around, "What family wouldn't want to own you? I just know you'll be a great show girl! Well let's tidy up your hair." I nod and silently walk to a seat near the hair supplies. "I heard yesterday morning that lots of people wanted to come see you!"

Yeah, yesterday when I hadn't punched my trainer in the face.

"I wonder if families ever come to buy humans at this station?" Daharia thinks out loud, combing my hair intently.

"Wouldn't that be amazing! A family all your own." I dream,

"Well, for now. You're all mine!" She jokes wrapping me into a tight hug with her strong arms.

"Have you ever thought about recommending me for a family?" I ask, trying not to sound too interested. She laughs,

"I can't do that, honey. Only training generals can do that, and most of the time they do it to get money." Frowning, I nod. "Chin up girly! It's visiting time!" She chimes halfheartedly. Something tells me she knows my bruise was not from the falls in training.



I straighten my bow, fixed on the back of my head, "Comet, maybe they will take us with them when they leave." I joke. "I don't see any other reason to get dressed up, or show any effort otherwise." Comet grins,

"It's not so bad," He takes my hand, "At least we're here together."

Okay... He's at it again.

"Yeah. Let's go." We leave my room and walk towards the visit setting.

"Hey Astra! Comet! Wait up!" Thank goodness. "Pretty crazy, huh?" Laughs Elly as she squeezes into the little space between myself and Comet. "This whole thing has started so fast, and if we aren't ready for show in six months we get shipped out? I wouldn't wish that fate on anyone." She huffs, rolling her eyes. "Anyway, I've never actually had a family to play with before! This is very first time! Can you believe it?" She glows in a high pitched voice.

"You'll be fine Elly, you're perfect for it." Comet laughs, what's that supposed to mean?

"I sure hope so! This is just great don't you think?" Elly nudges me, persistent for an answer.

"Just great!" I say with enthusiasm, she nods.

"Ooh Buddy! Wait up!" Elly screams down the hall, jumping up and down, waving her arms.

That sure was a quick encounter.

"Comet, can you try to make sure I don't completely lose my head in there?" I ask jokingly, though I really do need a bit of help. Comet's eyes brighten,

"It would be my pleasure." He wraps his arm around my shoulder, "Now," he says as we walk into the open room. "No punching!" He whispers into my ear.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2017 ⏰

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