I'm here again
Cracking my brain
I don't understand what I'm feelin'
Maybe its the caffeine talkin'.I just want you to know
After so many years now
Still I long for you so
My heart want to forget you but how!Ugh! Will you just stop pestering me?
My life is in place can't you see?
I wish I had a machine
That will reprogram my brain!You haven't done any evil
But I felt like you've just kill me
I wish I haven't met you
So my life is still in peace.Maybe I'm just bored!
But even If I Am busy still I can remember you
But how can I move on from you
If the memories of you still lingers in my soul!Can I get a Cleansing?
Cleansing of memories that ain't worth remembering?
Will I ever move out of love of you
If you will never leave my mind?Duh! You're not hunk or even half the man
But its you my eyes want!
Ugh! Can this be more complicated?
I want you to be in my life, ERASED!If only I can choose what to retain
And what memories should be drain
Maybe somehow pain will not be impossible
And moving on from you will be probable!I wish I've forgotten
The memories will be rotten
But still they're fresh and new
More like a resemblance of a morning dew!