Waiting Room

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I can't believeall the time I have to waste here in this waiting room. He won't even let me in to see my sister. i don't know how she's doing. Attacked on the street by some sick son of a bitch, left for dead, and all I can do here is wait?

"Just remain calm." Says the doctor.
I'm freaking losing my mind. My sister is in there holding on for dear life and the tell me to, remain calm?
I'm practically going insane trying to figure out if they can save her life. These bastards are useless!
The police are here to get a statement from her but according to that stupid doctor, "She's still unconscious, fighting for her life."
Just to paraphrase how dumb he sounded.

I was home when mom called me to meet her here. We're still trying to figure out what the hell happened to her. The policemen are just as clueless as the doctors."Do you know who your daughter was with?" The dumb cop asked my mother.The only information released was, "She's lost a lot of blood." Just to quote that idiot doctor again who holds my sister's fate in his hands.

God, this situation sucks!
"Just remain calm." Says the police officer. I mean if one more person tells me to remain calm, I don't know what I may do.

How can I remain calm? Like what if she wakes up? How could I explain myself then?

These bastards really need to let me in there!

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