Name: Kanji Galesh
Gender: male
Age: 15 years old
Species: ecaflip
Family: Ush Galesh (father), Torlai Galesh (mother), and Muri Galesh (brother)
Appearance: 5' 6" black cat with caramel eyes. He wears a beige-colored cloak to hide his appearance- mainly his face- and a gray shihakusho with a black strap on the waist where his long katana sheath rests. There's two pockets on either side of the inside of the cloak where his duel-bladed swords (they're literally Ush's swords except they come to life [DONT JUDGE MEEEE]) sits in. They automatically disappear when they come to life.
Personality: strong, humorous, mischievous at times, outgoing, sometimes laid back, and strong-willed
Weapon(s)/Power(s): he carries a long, dark, blood red katana on his waist and a red blade and black blade in his cloak. The red blade explodes in red fire when it comes to life while the black blade explodes in black flames. They each have a mind of their own and are loyal to him. It's top secret, but his blades actually have his parents' souls sealed inside of them, making them come to life. The black black blade is Ush while the red blade is Torlai, and only he and Jacques know about this fact. His katana has a fast movement rate and can counter anyone's attacks swiftly and accurately. He also has an Astral ability of superhuman strength. He has the strength of 50 strong-built men, thought he's always beaten by Jacques because of his gravity manipulation since everything has a limit, even his superhuman strength.
Likes: pie, mints, and battle
Dislikes: boredom, elegance, and losing
Friends: Jacques, Alexia, Rohan, Kaila, and Yumi
Enemies: basically the same as Jacques except he also is enemies with Brakmar
Crush: Jacques (this is top secret even Jacques doesn't know)
Backstory: Kanji started training at a very young age with his father. A few days after he turned 15, he went on a journey along with Muri to find what his purpose in existence is. That's when he came across Jacques and Kallen. They had adventures together ever since, and they joined back up with the rest of the Astral Era five years later by saving their butts from a super strong enemy.
Other: Kanji tends to go all out in combat along with Kallen while Jacques is stuck trying to hold them back. His younger brother, Muri, is one of his most faithful followers. He's always loyal to him no matter what. Even if that's means dying.
Wakfu OCs never know! May even be an rp :3 but nahh I'm just kidding! It's my very own Wakfu oc book. Please enjoy ands umm me shall use em for Wakfu rp's and such yep. I don't exactly like repeating forms on the same chara...