Please answer the following in a single comment.
What you plan to do with this track:
Preferred Style:
Title (Optional):
Preferred Instruments (Optional):
Tempo (describe in words or bpm):
Any inspirational tracks you think would be helpful:
Sample form
What you plan to do with this track: I want to use this in a book trailer.
Preferred Style: Hybrid Orchestra
Title (Optional): The Greatest Book in the History of the Universe
Preferred Instruments (Optional): Please include xylophones and a cow bell. And bass drops.
Tempo: Fast! Fast as you can! POWEERRRRR!
Any inspirational tracks you think would be helpful:

IceRequiem Studios - A Music Diary/Shop [OPEN]
RandomFor all your auditory needs. Backtrack for your book trailer? Music for your website? Inquire within to enhance your projects with sound. Status: OPEN for requests Also a little behind-the-scenes trivia for my own projects, for those who are intere...