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Ellen leaned over the side of the nurses station, watching Patrick. It was as if time had stopped and threw back in time, to 2005. Same hallway, and same man Ellen found herself fawning over like a school girl again. It was new having Patrick on set again. Exciting even. Suddenly the days weren't as long, and the exhaustion was bearable with someone at your side. Despite him not being entirely there. Things were still tense between the pair as they wandered through the episodes.

Patrick desperately wanted to reach out but didn't want to rush Ellen. He almost felt like an intruder to her sometimes now. He could see her bubble she blew up once he left. The bubble of Camilla, Jessica, Kelly, and Debbie. Her girls. God bless Debbie for taking care of Ellen. He leaned against the doorway of an exam room, and he could feel the curious green eyes on him. Oh Patrick knew Ellen was watching, of course she was. Only it would be up to her to approach him. He couldn't remember being this shy or coy between each other before. It almost felt taboo now to seek or long for what they once had. Patrick could remember their first kiss, on that very first chemistry test. The memories left his mouth on fire from heat and the passion.

"Whenever you two are ready." The director called action and the cameras started to roll inside the elevator shaft. Ellen took a deep breath, starting her dialogue about making lines. Patrick moved closer, smirking as he inched his way to her. Ellen could feel the electricity between them start to grow. There was tension. Her eyes flickered away from his, focusing on the files she held in her hand.
Suddenly it happens. She drops the files. They scatter around, falling in stacks and sheets. Ellen's tiny, tiny fists were pushing him against the wall. And Patrick liked it. He broke out into a smile, a grin even as he watched her determined face head toward his. Ellen pursed her lips and paused, her green eyes rising to meet his. Then her lips crashed on his.
It was soft, supple and sweet. She clenched his lab coat in her fist, but her lips parted for him when his tongue sought to deepen the kiss. His hands slid up, thumbs over her cheeks as he pulled her closer to him. Ellen gasped between kisses, going back for more.

"And that's a CUT," the cameras stopped rolling. The chemistry test was over. Ellen pulled back, licking her swollen lips.

"That was um, good," Patrick offered as Ellen bent down to collect the files she dropped. Her blonde head popped back up,

"Good? Oh yeah it was, you're a great kisser." She giggled, easing the tension in the air. She started to walk away, going to hand her props to the propsmaster. Patrick leant down, picking up a spare paper she missed. He followed her, tapping on her shoulder.

"El...Ellen?" She whipped around, coming face to face with him. Patrick momentarily found himself lost in the sea of freckles scattered in pairs across her nose.

"Oh my goodness, I forgot one! You're so sweet Patrick," Ellen chirped, taking the paper from his hands. She gently placed them on the props desk, and turned to hug him. Patrick slid his arms around her small frame, feeling her body against his. He smiled, it was as if nothing else mattered but them two. He couldn't describe it other than the taste of her lips still lingered and now he could smell the scent of her sweet hair tickling his nose. She pulled back with a big smile, and squeezed his arm before leaving. "I'll be picking a winner, don't worry."

Ellen licked her lips, completely invested in watching Patrick. It was her little indulgence of the day. Her gut twisted thinking of the poor guy. She was still beyond mad at him for everything but found herself missing what she had. She couldn't just go up to him anymore. He wasn't Paddy, he was Patrick. Patrick Dempsey.

"Ellen? What are you doing out here? Come on, hair wants to fix those curls," A PA questioned her, and then pointed towards the stylists on the set in the back. It was just a quick touch up since the curls were falling out of place. Ellen turned, figuring it was best that she stopped focusing on Patrick. She turned pink, thinking of her hair and how it didn't retain the curls that well. She hadn't been sleeping well lately, and she knew how that screwed her body up.

Why hadn't she been sleeping? The anxiety of having Patrick back of course. Ellen sighed as the hairstylist tousled her hair, added some sweet smelling spray and let her go back on set. Sweet smelling spray. Sweet. He had always mentioned how much he liked the smell when they were together. During bed scenes, teasing each other in the trailer- it had stayed the same spray for years. It was always there.

"Go on back out there." Her stylist shooed Ellen back into the set where she walked back towards Patrick for blocking.

"I want you two to walk in from opposite sides, keep in mind how the dialogue is. Meredith is searching for answers Derek won't give." The director began to explain. Ellen looked up for a moment, catching Patrick's gaze. She had her own questions, he didn't answer. The hurt of the years piled up into why did you go? Why did you hurt me? Why did you come back? Do you want me? Did you ever care about me? His indigo eyes stared soulfully back, likely asking questions himself that Ellen would never hear.

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