Orange County Day

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I push a box to the side of my room, that was my photo albums, then my drawing supplies, then my bed set, i spread the sheet, then blanket, the did my two big pillows, then medium, then two small pillows, and i added my tiny heart pillow in the middle of the small pillows. after i unpack, i go downstairs to help. but, i see mom put the center piece on the glass coffee table, she sat on the couch, the leather couch. " yes!!! thank you,so much. ok. bye. you to." my mom hung up, she sees me. " oh, zenzy! you just got accepted into the best school in america!!!" mom said. " WHAT!!!!!!!" i yelled so excited. " YES!! and you best friend Chesire is there, i just got a call from her mom." she skipped off in the kitchen. we lived in a big house, but not like those mansions all down the block.

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