good bye ms. wescost

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i write my little where abouts in my diary and turn on the fan. it blows my art away. " shit." i mumble, i pick it up. put it away and then greetings fill the hall downstairs, " oh. well, shes upstairs." thanks mom!! you could have gave me away to a killer dammint!! " hey girl without a boy!! unlike me, the boys flow to me" i hear. Chesire ugh. " what are you doing here?" i ask. " i was bored and wanted to test out my new car!! my actual cool friends who cab stay on topic were bizzy... so i came here." i was hurt. " well a call would have been nice." i say. " my phone is for calling important people. did you paint the room?" oh, so IM the one who cant stay on i not important to you??......" i dont want to talk to you." i was ready to cry. " oh..little cry baby is crying." she laughs as my sister walks passed then heres." can you leave!!!" i yells shaky. " why. so you can rat on me like your snitch self always does?! need a mansion.." she put her hands on my face, " and surgery." she pushed back making me fall. she laughs. " whats so funny, good will finnaly said you can come in?" she turns. " ugh. you again?" she looked. " i remember you, pisst! you made those horrible cookies!" " look you little bitch get the fuck out my house before i jack your ugly ass up you basterd!!!!!!" sis yelled. " i dont need your shit k?" ches looked at me. " or yours. you look so sorry, ugh, why should i be here with you?"

" savege bitch cause your other friends are out with bitches who that life where there's not a fucking care in the world get the fuck out hoe."

" whatever." she stormed out.

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