Allison And Talia

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i was ready to cry my ass off. as i turn i bump into these two girls and knocked down their books. " im SO sorry--" i kneel down as they do. " no worries." the girl gets her books and the other was smart enough to put them in her bookbag. wait, i noticed the other, girl put her books in her locker..RIGHT BESIDE MIME YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! " so, you knew here?" she said. " um..yeah." she smiled. " Allison. Allison Matthews. and this is Natalia Jennings." i shook her hand then Natailia turned from her locker and shook my hand. " im Zendaya Paige." i simply say. " well..welcome to        L.A." she said. " thanks." i say. something caught my eye as i look at talia. my eyes wandered to a make out couple. the boy finally walked away from...CHESIRE!!!!!!!!!! yazies!!! were frenimies so i thought the fight on last week blew over. well, it was all Daziah, she kicked her out, i was just mad, and felt sorry for donna that day. i went to her. " hey!!" i say. " whos the cutetie !!!!!!! i thought you and toby were a thing." the boy turned. " BABY!! uhh..she study tutor." he looked confused as he turned away

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