Do you still remember the place?
The place that meant everything to us.
The place where no one can harm you,
where we both had trust.
Yes, trust.
A thing we have left behind,
little by little,
as the events go by.
But then, we lost it all,
it faded with the air.
And no matter what I do,
It was hard to be fair.
As the memories pass,
I have forgotten you.
But then I remember,
and oh, how I miss you.
The next day came,
and I went to that place.
You were there, alone,
with an unhappy face.
Do I dare to ask?
Pry? Or go near?
You took a glance,
and I was covered in fear.
"Should I leave? Go?",
I asked myself.
But when I turned to leave,
there was something that I felt...
It was your warmth,
the warmth of your arms around me...
"Stay, don't leave me.
I promise you'll be happy."
His soft voice, a promising request,
should I dare to trust again and accept?
I started to cry and turned,
it was happiness that we felt...