This ends now!

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Yukionna and Bunny have arrived in Burgess, the guardians are on their way. Yukionna smirks evilly as she creates dark blue magic clock and it shows that it's five minutes till midnight.

"In just a few minutes, we will rule this pathetic world and turn it into an Ice kingdom for you and me, Bunnymund." Onna says and she rubs Bunny's head, sitting down as her magic makes her an ice throne. "And the guardians won't be able to do a thing about it." Onna laugh evilly and Bunny roars.

Jack and the other guardians are in the sleigh, racing towards Burgess as fast as they can. The temperature is getting colder by the second and Jack growling beneath her breath.

"We have stop Onna, North any chance you make this thing go faster?" Jack asks frustrated and North shakes his head.

"No, this is as fast as the reindeer go." North says and Jack groans. "Jack go ahead of us, make sure Yukionna doesn't start freezing the world." Jack nods and jumps off the sleigh as she grabs her staff, flying toward Burgess. Jack flies as fast as she can, until Onna and Bunny are spotted. She ducks behind a building and watches Onna's clock hit midnight.

"Time for the world to know about its new ruler." Onna says and she flies up high with her staff in hand, leaving Bunny looking up at her. Onna strikes her staff up and it reveals its lighting of ice and dark magic, forming the dark gray clouds as the temperature drops further down. Onna starts laughing, completely unaware of Jack flying behind her and she strikes her with an ice blast. Onna falls down, landing on the rooftop in front of her and she gets up as she groans. She turns around and growls at Jack, who's glaring right at her. "Well, we meet again Frost."

"Yukionna, your reign of terror ends tonight!" Jack yells and Onna smirks.

"You wanna fight, frosty? Fine with me and my minions." Jack's eyes widen.

"Minions?" Jack turns around and finds a dark pooka charging at her, she ducks before it can tackle her. "Dark pookas, but how?" She gasps as she sees thousands behind her and Onna laughs.

"Dark magic can make wonderful things, especially when in the wrong hands. Attack!!" The Dark Pookas snarl and charge at Jack as she creates ice blast on all of them. It barely stops them and Jack starts flying higher, making Onna frown. "Not so fast." Onna starts making ice dragons and they fly towards Jack. Jack groans as she flies away.

"Just great, why couldn't Bunny's ex be a psychotic small cookie baker?" Jack starts screaming as the dragons start shooting ice walls at her. Jack creates some ice daggers and shoots them toward the dragons, slicing them into piece. Jack smiles and she screams as a dark pooka tackles, it roaring in her face. Jack screams as she squirms under its firm hold and black sand whip grabs the dark pooka, making it whimper in conclusion before being pulling off of Jack into brick building. Jack quickly gets up and turns to Pitch. "Thanks Pitch." Onna growls and creates some dark giant butterflies along with more dark pookas. Tooth tackles one of them as North swoops in tand slices it with his swords. Pitch and Sandy create some sand horses and they attack some of the dark pookas. Onna strikes her staff up again and tries to strike the cloud with her ice lightning, only to have Jack ice blast her into the street.

Jack's POV

Yukionna went down hard and it broke her staff as I land in front of her, pointing my staff at her.

"Yukionna, this ends now!" I yell at her and she smirks? Why is she smirking? I hear growling behind me and I gasp as I'm tacked from behind. I turn over, only to see Bunny snarling at me and have me in a death grip as he roars at me. I wince at the sound as he glares at me.

"Finish her!" I hear Onna yell at him and he growls at me as he raises his paws, showing his sharp claws. I raise my arm over my face and he claws at it, leaving a mark. I wince at the pain and I scream as his other claws digs into my arm, I hear Onna laugh at me. I clench my teeth as I push through the pain of my arm and I reach for powder in my necklace. He goes to scratch me again and I throw some of the powder in his face. He howls as he rolls himself off of me and I see his body glows, changing him back. "NO!" Onna screams as all the other dark pookas start to disappear. I run over to bunny and I see him open his eyes, showing emerald green irises I love so much.

"Jack? Is that really you?" Bunny asks me and I sniff as tear start forming in my eyes.

"Yes, it's me." I say and he hugs me as I hug back. "I've missed you so much."

"I've missed you too." He kisses my head and I smile.

"No! He's mine!" Onna yells and she charges at us. I look at with her and I grab some of the powder, this reign of terror stops tonight. I blow it in her face and she groans as she falls back. She screams as the powder starts reforming her. Me and the other guardians shield my eyes as a light shines brightly from her and temperature rises back to normal. The light fades down and we all gasp as we look at her stand up with her face looking right at us, she looks just like she did in her picture.

"Yukionna?" Bunny ask hesitantly and Onna nods as she starts crying in her hands, falling to her knees. I walk toward her and she gasp as she winces at me.

"Please, don't hurt me." I gasp slightly and smile sadly.

"I won't hurt, but..." I start out and I hug her as I get on my knees. "I will hug you." She tenses up before hugging back and crying into my shoulder. I gesture Bunny to come over and he hugs me and her, then the rest guardians. It's finally over.

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