I need you

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Bunny and I decided to leave our reception after North made his toast and Pitch passed out drunk from Sandy catching the bouquet. Bunny carried me in bridestyle as I snuggled into his chest. Right now, We're laying in front of his fireplace in the bedroom as he pours me a glass of wine.

"Here you are, my daring." Bunny says as he hands me the wine glass and kiss my cheek, I smile.

"Thank you Aster." I say as I take a sip, I set the glass down and snuggle up in Bunny's fur. I look up in into his eyes and close mine as I give him a kiss, he kisses back. I put my hands on his shoulder and I slightly gasps into the kiss when I feel his paws on my hips, I pull away.

"Jack, is something wrong?" I shake my head, I don't know if I should tell him. "Snowflake, what's the matter? You can tell me." He's right, I can.

"Aster, there's something else I should tell you. It's really hard for me to say."

"What is it?" I take a deep breath.

"I'm a virgin."

Bunny's POV

"I'm a virgin." Jack says and my eyes widen, she can't be serious.

"Oh wow. Well that's interesting, puts a lot of pressure on me but I'm good." I babble. "How come you never told me?"

"I didn't know how to." She starts to tear up and I hold her tighter as she wraps her arms around my neck.

"Jack, please don't cry. I'm glad you told me, it's just now I want ya're first time to be perfect." She nods as I kiss the top of her head and I sigh.

"Aster, you do realize that even if you were horrible I would have no clue." My eye widen as I realize, I facepalm and Jack giggles at me. I've never felt this stupid in my life. I chuckle as I see her smile and I kiss her cheek.

Narrator's POV

Jack blushes and she gives Bunny a peck on the lips. Their eyes slowly stare at each other lovely before coming to a passionate kiss. Bunny licks Jack's bottom lip for an entrance and she eagerly opens her mouth, their tongues fight for dominance as Bunny jumps. Jack's legs wrap around his waist automatically as he walks them to their bedroom. He walks in as they continue to makeout and Bunny starts to unzip Jack's wedding dress. He lays her on the bed and slips her dress off as she takes off his tie, throwing it across the room. Bunny breaks the kiss and holds Jack by her waist.

"Are you sure you want this?" He says in a husky whisper and Jack bites her lip as he kisses her collar bone. "We can wait." She takes a deep breath as his hot breath in hits her neck, making her melt with horniness.

"Aster, I need you. I want this." Jack says, almost breathless, Bunny starts kissing her neck and she gasps as she feels her bra come undone. Bunny tosses it aside as he moves her to the top of the bed and they kiss roughly. Bunny breaks the kiss again, this time traveling down Jack's body to her stomach and hips as she moans, gripping the sheets in pleasure and he stops her blue snowflake trim of her black panties. He looks up at her and she nods reassuring him, he starts pulling them down.


Bunny wakes up first and finds pressure on his arm, only smiling when he sees Jack in his arms. He kisses her shoulders and travels up her neck to her collarbone. She moans feeling the kisses and she turns over, opening her eyes to see her husband. He gives her a kiss that she gladly returns back.

"Good morning." Jack says lovely and Bunny smiles.

"Morning, Snowflake." Bunny says and they kiss again as they wrap their arms around each other, they break apart for air.

"Last night was amazing." Bunny chuckles.

"Yeah, it was. Thanks for letting me take your virginity." Jack giggles.

"Thanks for taking it." They sit up and Jack winces a little, Bunny frowns.

"Jack, you alright?" Bunny ask worriedly and Jack smiles as she nods.

"Yeah I'm fine, just little sore from last night's 'activities'." Bunny mouths 'oh' with a smirk as Jack smirks back. "I didn't know you were well, huge!" Bunny gives a heartily laugh.

"I am not huge, I'm just longer than ya excepted." Jack scoffs.

"Yeah right, says the pooka with a 8 inches long and two inches wide penis." Bunny smirks and tackles her, kissing her neck roughly as she moans. "Bunny~ ah." Jack moans as Bunny finishes another hickey on her neck.

"How sore, per se, are you?" Bunny asks with a smirk and Jack groans in pleasure as he rubs her thighs.

"I'm not that sore, well at least not yet."

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