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Lauren POV

It all started with my friends inviting me to the bar near the beach, i honestly gave in because they were pressuring me to go since i haven't gone out much. Normani and Ally begged me to go with them since they knew they were going to get drunk and were going to need a ride home. Whatever i'll go get ready, i put some long ripped black pants with my Thrasher shirt and my jean sweater, also with some all black converse and my hair let down. I go downstairs and see Normani waiting for me, "Girl you aren't even trying, put something nice to get you a new date", I haven't really gone out due to my breakup with Lucy.

She was amazing... I loved her and i was so happy to have someone like her in my life, she was beautiful and wise with her words. But that all came to an end, one day she came up to me and said "Lauren i think it's not going to work for us" I was extremely shocked because i gave her what she deserved and she just left.

I answered Normani "Shut up i don't feel like doing anything right now, i'm going with you so i can drive you home" "Alright girl calm down, you need to control your temper god" "Alright sheesh i'm done let's go" "Don't forget we have to pick up Ally Laur" "I know"

We got on the car and drove to Ally's house listening to Distraction by Kehlani while we were jamming to it. Like the music was really loud Ally knocked but we didn't hear it.

"Guysss turn the music down it's freaking loud!!!!" "Ooops sorry Ally, we were just jamming to the song" "Yea i understand but this loud??" "Ally just get in the fucking car" I replied, "Oh sorry Ms. Lauren i didn't know you were in such a hurry god patience". Once Ally got into the car Normani drove to the bar near the beach and in peace.

We got off and entered the bar with loud music blasting through and they were so many people with beer and dancing along to the song, ugh this place is so crowded. "Lauren lets go get a place to sit" said Normani  We found a table and got there, we sat down and Normani and Ally said "Well go get some drinks, well be right back "Alright but don't take so long" i whine "Such a baby" said Normani "Shut up and go get the drinks". As i see them walking to get the drinks i hear a familiar voice "Lauren?? Is that you??" I got tense...

"Lucy??!! What are you doing here??" Great my night just got ruined "Well i would ask you the same question" "I'm asking you a question Lucy" "Well i'm here with my boyfriend hanging out with some of his friends, what about you?? "I'm here hanging out with Normani and Ally" "Oh that's cool, I miss you and you look good" "Wow hehe I don't miss you and i don't look good i look great bye Lucy" "Look Lauren i'm sor-" "No Lucy!! You hurt me and i'm such a fool for loving someone like you! Go away and never talk to me again! "Lau-" "Leave!!" "Okay just know that I still love you" LIES LIES LIES!!!! She never did, she hurt me that's all.

As Lucy left i see Normani and Ally talking to a tall tan skinned girl next to a beautiful brunette who is giving her back on me, I wonder what Normani is saying to her.

Camila's POV

I really hate Dinah right now, she dragged me to a bar where there is no one interesting here and this loud music is really driving me crazy. Dinah really is social, she literally talk to anybody she sees.

"Wow that's really cool Normani" Dinah said "Hey Dinah how about we go and sit at my table? My friend Lauren is over there and is waiting for us" "Sure, Chancho let's go sit with them" "Ugh okay Dinah".

As i make my way to their table i see a beautiful brunette sitting down using her phone, "Lauren we're back with the drinks!!" "You guys finally came, took forever to get those drinks or what??" Whoa her husky voice is so hot, Ally replied "Nope we were talking to these ladies, Lauren meet Dinah" "Sup" "Nice to meet you" "And meet Camila, Dinah's friend" When she looks at me i see those piercing emerald eyes staring right into mines, "H-Hi i'm Camila Dinah's friend" "I-It's nice to meet you i'm Lauren...."

-Authors Note: Hello guys first fic and yea anyways this is short so yup. Ill try to update as soon as i can but it depends i will also be putting Lauren as G!P so that's happening and plz vote and comment and read!!!!! Bye - Miriam C.S Forget you!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2018 ⏰

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