I found the man of my dreams maddies pov

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When we got to the apartment we thought it was really nice it had the basics we needed like beds and a couch and some tables so we went to the store and got some towels and washcloths and some other basics and then we went grocery shopping and then it went down hill because we got called freaks and then Maggie almost ripped off their heads because she said

" I did not come here to get called freaks like we did back home" Maggie said really angry

"Maggie calm down you will be ok" I said very calming "I know that makes you mad it makes me mad to but we need to get through people hating on us we,are going to have to deal with it for the rest of our life"

"I know but we didn't come down here to get made fun of " Maggie said

"I know but we can get through it" I said

After all of that me and Maggie went back to the apartment to get settled in our new apartment

                                                                   The next day

When I woke up that morning I was really happy because tomorrow we have our big audition for the freakshow. Me and Maggie woke up around the same time.

" Hey Maggie do you want to go explore the boardwalk today" I exclaimed

" sure maybe we can go to the freakshow today and hopefully meet our co-workers" I exclaimed

" that sounds awesome maybe we will get the job there tomorrow" Maggie said happily

So we both got ready. I got in the shower and when I got out I went to my mirror and got my makeup out and started to Apply it I started with my white grease paint and then I got my eyeshadow pen and put that on my eye and then I got my black lipstick and put that on and After that I got my purple makeup pen and drew the lines on my face that I make. Then I went into my closet and was thinking of what k was going to wear I thougt about it then I decided about my black sweater type jacket and my black ripped skinny jeans a bats day t shirt to go underneath the black sweater jacket and then I put on my armor I have and then I put on my wings then I went to check on Maggie to see what she was wearing and she was wearing her bats day t shirt too and we both we like hey we are twinning. Then we went out the door to explore the boardwalk.

"Hey Maggie if we go by a candy store I want to go in and see if they have a giant bag of sourpatch kids" I said craving sourpatch kids

" that's fine I want to see if they have warheads you know I love my warheads" Maggie said really happy

So we where walking and I found this bookstore that I wanted to go into because I love to read and we were walking around and then I came upon the most beautiful man ever I was so nervous to talk to him he had the the most beautiful blond hair he was so perfect I saw him looking at some cool books that I have never heard of before I saw him reading a book called book one it was by this person called mister morgue. I got the courage to Finally go up to him and talked to him

" hey what book are you reading" I said to him

" I'm reading the rough edit of my book book one and so far it's a good and the way I want it to be hi my name is mister morgue" he said putting down his book being the cutest person ever

" hi I'm Sam I'm new here" I said blushing really hard

" hi Sam I love your super saiyan form where did you get it" he said very interested

" me and my friend Maggie got them together online and it cost about 4 grand each"

"That's really cool I like it" morgue said very happy

"Thank you" I said very happy

" well I gotta go now it was nice meeting you Sam if you want I will be going live tonight on the third hour in Instagram live if you want to watch" morgue explained "my Instagram Is mistermorgueoffical if you want to watch"

" I will happily watch I'm up at the third hour anyways cause I can't sleep" I said happily

"I will see you there in the third hour" morgue said

By the time I got done talking to morgue it was pretty late so me and Maggie went back to the apartment because we were getting tired but first we wanted to get some food and while we were eating I decided to tell yet shout morgue and how happy he made me and his I'm goung to watch him tonight in the third hour and she was perfectly fine with that and then she asked if I could watch with me cause usually In the third hour I call her and we talk for that hour cause both of us can't sleep during that time anyway.

                                                        In the third hour

Me and Maggie pulled up on our Apple TV Instagram live on morgue and what made me really happy is he was talking about this person he meet at the bookstore and I was for sure he was talking abut me and Maggie turned to ,e and I blushed so hard cause I really like him. Then after that he was live for like 30 mins then after that I went back to my room and went to sleep. 

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