Happy Birthday [S1:E3]

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| September 1 | Friday |

I woke to the sound of someone in the kitchen and glanced over at the clock. It was nearly time for me to get up but I still had five minutes till my alarm. I smiled and rolled over.

Then before I knew it the lamp flickered on, forcing my eyes to open.

"Happy birthday," Megan said with a smile. "I made you breakfast."

I stretched. "You didn't have to do that."

"But I did," she challenged.

My eyes peered at her through the dimly lit room. She must want me to get up now.

"Fine I'll get up," I caved.

She just smiled and followed me into the kitchen.

The smell of coffee and cinnamon filled my nose as I saw the set up at the dining room table. Suddenly I felt like the most special person in the world.

"French toast and coffee," she said. "Your favorite."

I shook my head. "How did I get so lucky?"

"I'm still unsure."

I scoffed as she leaned down and kissed me.

"So what are your plans tonight?" she asked.

I shrugged. "I mean, I still have to train with Danna so I'm not sure."


"What?" I questioned.

"You're finally twenty-one and instead of wanting to go out you'd rather train," she informed. "That's dedication."

I just smirked. "Believe it or not, I've slowed down quite a bit."

Megan just gave me a weird look.

"I have!" I defended. "I barely even drink."

She sighed. "I guess that's kind of true."

I just laughed a little and enjoyed my morning with Megan. Of course I was excited to be twenty-one, but for reasons other than finally being legal. For one, I could now bartend and manage at Jinx 2, which was something I had looked forward to for a while.

After breakfast I dressed for work and parted from Megan who kissed me just a little longer than normal. The fact that she could make me feel even more special was a surprise, but I enjoyed every second.

Once I got to the shop I settled into work and began riding out my shift. As much as I loved Buddy's, I knew my time here was coming to an end and I was more than ready to move past it.

After a few hours and Blair calling me to wish me a happy birthday I felt like today would only get better. That was until a familiar face walked through the door.

"Well," Andy started. "It seems like you're haunting me."

"I have better things to do," I retorted.

He just raised his brow.

I decided to move things along. "What can I do for you?"

"I need new tires."

"Why? Did someone finally slash them?"

He folded his arms. "No. But I'm guessing if that does happen I'll know who to come to."

I left him in the waiting area and found Buddy who was finishing up with another customer's car.

"I have someone in the lobby for a full tire replacement," I informed.

The Everyday Adventures of Sam and Megan (GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now