An Untimely Return [S2:E3]

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| February 2 | Friday Morning |

~ Megan's POV ~

Only having classes on Monday, Wednesday and Friday was convenient. Tuesdays and Thursdays were open for me to do a lot, like house work, writing, research, and of course spending time with Sam until she had to go to work if she was scheduled. Also, it was my last semester before I graduated with my masters, and I had already decided not to pursue my doctorate for multiple reasons, but mostly because I was just ready to be out of school for good.

"Babe, I'm leaving," I whispered through the dark.

Sam's sleepy head lifted as she rolled over to look up at me.

"Gimme a kiss," she said.

I smiled and leaned down, allowing our lips to touch briefly. My heart fluttered in my chest and I couldn't help but be amazed at how perfect Sam looked in the morning. It never ever got old.

"If you feel inspired..." I traced a finger over her bare shoulder. "You should come meet me for lunch."

"I, uh..." She yawned as a sleepy smile stretched across her face. "I will definitely do that."

"Great. I'll see you later. I love you."

"I love you, too."

Then I exited the room, kissed Charlie on the head and made it to the door to leave. The cold wasn't letting up, but apparently this weekend would be pretty and warmer than the last few and I was more than ready.

I made my way to campus and parked in the student employee parking lot before realizing I had a few extra minutes. My legs quickly made their way towards my favorite coffee shop around the block, and my body sighed in relief when I made it inside. The cold really was relentless.

The coffee shop was bustling with students, some waiting in line to order, some on their computers, some playing on their phones while lounging on the couches and armchairs. It was your typical coffee shop scene.

I stood in line and played with my fingers, and then ordered in hopes of getting it quickly since there was more people than I anticipated. Today, after noon, the campus would be nearly empty as students escaped to their apartments and dorms.

"Megan!" the barista called as he set down my cup on the bar.

I retrieved my drink and tugged my coat closer to my body, readying to head down the street towards my designated building. A deep breath allowed me to inhale the smell of coffee grounds one last time.

That's when I saw her. The blonde hair that stuck out from a gray beanie. I noticed it was longer. Her electric eyes were lit from her computer screen as she typed away, looking focused as ever. Some things never seem to change.

But what was Nikki doing here at a campus coffee shop? In Columbia, when she should've been in California?

Then her head popped up, sensing eyes on her, but I turned swiftly and headed out the door. My heart was pounding for multiple reasons. Had she seen me?

Last time I had seen Nikki, things between Sam and I had almost ended. She knew about Sam and I, but didn't know the truth. And I knew if she found out, she would use it against Sam somehow. Or maybe, she would even use it against me.

But maybe she was just in town for a meeting or visiting family. Maybe I had nothing to worry about. Or maybe, she moved back home, and it was only a matter of time before we inevitably ran into each other.

One thing was for sure, I needed to warn Sam, because it was likely she would also run into my ex, and she needed to be prepared.

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