Katie Harrison..

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Imagine George Harrison Is sitting in his house in 1964 and hears Crying outside..

(George POV) - I roll out of bed, go downstairs and then into the kitchen. I pour myself a cup of coffee and pull a thin dressing gown on, tying it round my waist and sipping the bitter coffee. I go into the sitting room and put on the telly, Well,  the news.  I'm sat there in my pyjamas, considering we have a day off (for once) and I thought i'd just spend the day relaxing.  Around 10 mins after the news started, I hear a noise.. Crying. It's coming from the front door. I get up, and fix my hair and open the door. The crying stops and I look down. There is a little girl of about 3 or 4 years old. Her bright blue eyes, Looking up at me. She was clutching a scabby teddy, and she looked Freezing.

"Umm Hello. Where's yer mam?" I ask. She sniffed and shrugged.  I crouch down to her level and ask her name. "Katie" she replies. I tell her that I'm going to find her mum. She shakes her head voilently and starts to cry again. She then lunges forward and hugs me. I decide to take her in until find out what the hell is going on. I pick her and a tiny pink rucksack up and take them into the livingroom. I don't have kids of my own, so I have no idea what to do with her. I sit her on the sofa and take off her little black buckle shoes, and her cream jacket. It wasn't cream anymore. It was dirty. I tell her to stay there and that I'm just going to get a blanket. I go tothe linen cupboad under the stairs and pull out a soft blanket. When I return into the living  area, Katie is asleep. I gently wrap the blanket around her and carry her into the spare bedroom and place her in the large queen size bed. I turn back into the livingroom, leaving the door open incase she woke up. I looked over at her jacket, and noticed there was a bit of paper sticking out of the pocket. I picked it up it read:

"To whoever gets my daughter dumped on their doorstep, I apologise. She's a pain. I don't care what you do with her; Put her in a care home, keep her. But Don't try and find me, because I won't be in this country. I was going to move out of britain, to start a new life without an annoying kid with me the whole time. Again, do what you like with her. I don't care.  Her name is Katie Thomas, her birthday is february 11th she was born in 1961 [she's three] . She has enough clothes to last her for a day or so. Allergic to Nuts.                                                        
C. Thomas " 

I stared, shocked that any mother could do that to their daughter. She was possibly one of the sweetest toddlers I'd ever seen. I couldn't put her up for adoption. I just couldn't. I decided to call Paul [McCartney], as he was me best mate.

*Phone call *


Hi, Paul?


Yeah, I was wondering if you'd come over.? I need your advi- Help on something.

Sure, is it serious?

Uhhhh kinda?

alright, see you soon mate.

Bye paul.

*End of convo*

About 15 minutes later, Paul knocked on the door.  I showed him in and handed him the letter. As he read, his eyes widened.

"Where is she now?" paul asked. I motioned him over to the door. He followed me into the spare room and looked over at the sleeping child. "Geo, what are you gonna do with her? Are ya gonna keep her?" Paul asked.. "I don't know." I reply..

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