Georgie's a Daddy

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George's POV - The next morning I woke up to something poking my face. I opened my eyes to Katie standing in front of me.

"Mornin love." I say. I swing my legs over the side and open my arms to her. She runs into my arms and I lift her onto my knee. I kiss the top of her head lightly.
"D'ya want some breakfast, Love?" I ask Katie.
"Yes please, Da-" She said, mumbling something incoherent at the end of her sentence. My heart breaks for her, she obviously has a tough time trusting people, but I want her to trust me.

"Ya know, I can be your dad for real if you want? I want to look after you and you have nothing to worry about, because from now on, it's me and you and there will be no reason for you to be scared, because I'm here. If you need me, whenever you need me, I'll be there. And if I'm not there, you can telephone me, okay?". I tell the small girl in front of me. Katie smiles and nods up at me. I take her hand and walk out of my room and wander down the stairs. We go into the kitchen and I lift her onto the chair.
"Whaddya want for breakfast darlin?" I ask Katie. She stops and thinks about it for a few seconds and then announces she wants 'that crunchy bread'. I chuckle and I put a slice of bread in the toaster. I tell Katie that I have to go to the studio today, so She'll have to come with me. I tell her that she'll be seeing Paul again and that She'd be meeting her 'Uncles' John and Ringo. I then explain about the Beatles and how I tour a lot. I go into the kitchen and get her toast ready. I put jam on it and cut it into triangles. I take the plate through to find Katie sitting on the sofa watching the telly. I hand her the plate and tell her I'm going to get ready. She nods and takes a bite of her toast. I walk upstairs and take a quick shower. I then get dressed into a turtle neck and some trousers. I put on some baseball trainers and head back downstairs. This time, I find Katie sitting on the couch looking uncomfortable.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"Daddy? Where's the toilet?" She asks. I take her by the hand and remind her where the bathroom is.

"You okay to go yourself?" I ask. She nods. A few minutes later she comes out. I then take her to pick out her clothes for that day. She goes over to the drawer and picks out a pair of light purple dungarees and a pink t-shirt.

"Can you do it yourself?" I ask. She nods and goes into her room. She then comes out 5 minutes later after having trouble with the clips. I kneel down and sort the clips for her. I then tell her that she had to brush her teeth. I took her into the bathroom and sit her on on the edge of the bath and sort her toothpaste out on a toothbrush.
"Ya know, Princesses have to brush their teeth too." I tell her. Her face lights up. She takes the toothbrush out of my hand and starts scrubbing. Once she's done, I take her downstairs and help her put her shoes on. I then get her little cream jacket on, which my mam cleaned yesterday. (On the note of me mam, She went home last night.) I help her put her little arms through the armholes. I carry her out to the car and put her in the front seat and strap her in. I drive to the studio and I park outside. I take her out of her seat and we walk in to the studio to find Paul, Ringo, John, Eppy and George martin talking. Everyone turns around and looks at me.. Then at Katie. Then back at me again.
"Erm... Everyone, This is Katie." I say. John, Eppy, Ringo and George have the same shocked face. Paul comes over and kneels in front of Katie.
"Hi Katie" he says.
"Hi Paulie!" She exclaims. Paul picks Katie up and takes her up to the control room to show her something. I turn back to everybody ..

"Right, I know you're probably wondering why I have a small girl with me, so I'll explain. Well yesterday morning I woke up and found er crying on my doorstep. That's when I panicked and called Paul. Then I called me mum. She came and gave me advice on the matter and by that point, I was attached. " I explain.

"Did you call the police?" Brian asks me. I shake my head and hand him the note which I thought would make more sense. He reads it aloud and Everyone looks horrified.

"I couldn't possibly send er back to a mother who doesn't want her. So, I'm going to adopt her. " I say, looking pleased with meself.

"Well congrats mate. " John says. Ringo then reminded me that I ever need anyone to babysit.. He would be there. The rest of them agree. I ask them if they'd  being known as Uncle's' . They don't. I look up to Paul and nod for him to return. Katie comes down and runs for me to catch er. I lift her up into the air and spin er round. She then went shy and snuggled up to me side. I introduce her to John, Ringo, Brian and George. She started giggling when john made funny faces at er. He always knows how to make kids laugh. I let her down and she instantly goes over to John and Ringo. Paul and Brian start asking me if I was okay and I knew what I was doing. I nod, smiling.

"So, George are you going to file for an adoption paper?" Brian asks me.

"Erm, I was hoping you could help me with that? You know a lot about a lot. Like y'know, legal stuff" I ask him. He nods and disappears to make a phone call from reception. I was in deep conversation with Paul when the shrill shrieks of Katie's voice rang out through the studio. John had put her over his shoulder and was spinning her round.

"UNCLE JOHNNY!! PUT. ME. DOWN... DADDYY..!! UNCLE PAULIEEEE! HELLLP! John stops, puts her down and runs over to his desk with the scrunched up song lyrics and empty cups and ashtrays full of cigarette ashes. John writes 'help' at the top of The page and starts writing. Katie walks back over to me and hugs onto my leg. Suddenly Brian walks in and comes over to me.

"George, It's all sorted, I managed to get a hold of someone and they're going to send over some papers for you to sign. And someone needs to meet you and make sure your house is an appropriate place to live." Brian explains.

"Oh wow! Ta very much Brian!" I say, Absolutely grinning from ear to ear.

"I think that deserves a celebratory Dinner, Eh Lads?Eppy.?" Paul Says and we all nod in agreement.

"Good, 7 O' Clock, The Hilton? It's on me" I add.
"Sounds good, now, let's rehearse." Paul says, smiling.

A/N New chapter!! Sorry it's taken so long to update, but here ya go!

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