Let it be... Snowy!?

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George's POV- it's a month until Christmas. I've decided to get Katie a kitten. She loves cats, so she'll be thrilled. I'm lying in my bed, resting my eyes when Katie bursts in.

"Daddy! Daddy! Look outside!" She squeals, jumping on me. I sit up and pull her into a hug.

"Mornin hunny. What's going on outside?" I say, kissing her on the cheek. I get out of bed and lift Katie up and walk up to my window, pulling back the curtains one handed. I look outside and it's white!

"Snow!!!" I say excitedly. I might be nearly 22, but it seems as though I have the brain of a 5 year old.

"What's snow" Katie asks me.

"Er, well.. It's like.. It's cold! Yes, cold.. And its like soft rain-ish.." I try to explain.

"Ohhh... Daddy? Do you have the day off today?" Katie asks.

"Until after lunch" I reply..... "But after breakfast, you can go outside, but you have to wear your snow clothes so you don't freeze."

"Silly pets!?" She asks.

"Yes, silly pets" I chuckle. After breakfast, I get Katie into her snow clothes (Hat, scarf, gloves, jacket and Salopettes ect). I got me jacket and 'silly pets' on too, and brought a sledge out that I had bought a few weeks previously in case of snow. I walked outside with Katie. She slowly walked out into the snow. She got a handful of the stuff.

"It's cold... Like ice cream!" she said, obviously amused. I bend down and scoop up a small handful of snow.

" Ya know, snow is soft. So you can throw it at people- Gently though!" I tell her, softly chucking snow on her arm.

"So I can throw snow at you Daddy?!" Katie keenly questions.

"Yes Kat- Oof!" Katie threw a snowball at my chest. I then purposely fell backwards into the snow, so Katie would think she was super strong.

"Heehee sorry Daddy" Katie giggles. I the remember about snow angels.

"Here Katie, if you move your arms and legs like this [insert snow angel action here] and then ya have an angel."

"Ooh Daddy! I wanna try!" Katie excitedly squeals. She lies down in the snow and did what I showed her. I then helped her up, carefully so she could admire her creation.

"Ooooh! Daddy look!" Katie squealed. I then remember my camera. I dash inside and grab it. I go back outside, firing up my camera.

"Katie! Smile for the camera" I say to Katie. She stops, looks up and gives me a huge grin. I click the camera. She stops grinning.

"Daddy? What's that for?" Katie asks, pointing at the sledge. I tell her to sit on it and, so she does. I then grab the rope and pull it along the ground. Katie starts squealing with delight!☺

After half an hour of more snow fun, Katie started getting cold, poor thing, and so we went inside. After lunch, I had to go into the studio, so I attempted to get Katie into her snow clothes.

"Daddy! I've lost my hat! And my gloves!" I heard a small voice shout.

"Okay, okay. Well, I've got your gloves here and you have another hat upstairs, your pink and purple one, l think" I say. Thirty- five minutes later, we arrived at the studio. I carried Katie in, so she wouldn't slip on the packed- down snow. I felt a warm breath of air hit my face as i walked in. The woman at reception smiled and waved at us and we smiled and waved back. I set Katie down and took her hand. We then walked down the hall and turned into 'studio 2'. Paul was sitting, talking to what looks like a very wrapped up Julian. Knowing Cyn, she wouldn't have let Julian or John leave the house with out a coat on, so it must be Julian.

"Uncle Paul!! Julian!!!" Katie shouted. Julian runs over to Katie and gives her a hug. I smile. I go over and ruffle Julian's hair.

"Hi uncle George!!" Julian grins up at me.

"Daddy? Can you help me take my silly pets off please?" Katie asks. I nod and take her jacket and 'silly pets' off. I also put a pair of trousers on her too. The next 3 hours were spent drinking coffee and playing about with our guitars, except for Ringo, who just tapped on the table. Every so often Katie and/or Julian would come over and clamber on mine and john's knees, playing with the pens in front of us. At 4 o'clock, Ringo had the excellent idea of giving up for the day.

" Can we build a snowman?" Julian asked. The boys and myself nod. We all get our coats on and I get Katie's silly pets on. We walk out of the studios, fresh batch of snow on the ground.

"Right, who's gonna help me build this snowman then" Paul asked the Kids.

"Me !!! Me !!" Julian and Katie squeal. 10 minutes later, there's a big ball of snow 3/4 of the size of Katie.

"Whew! Well done guys!" Paul says, high fiving the kids. I then noticed that John and Ringo were heading inside. I followed them in. Half an hour later, a very cold looking Katie came running in.

"You ok?" I ask.

" Daddy, can I borrow your hat?" Katie asked. I nod and put my hat on her head.

" Uncle Ringo? Can I borrow your scarf please?" She asks Ringo. Ringo smiled and handed her his stripy scarf.

"Oh, yeah.. Uncle Paul said you should please come outside" Katie says. We all get up and go outside. Out there is Paul, Julian and Katie, who was putting my hat and Ringo's scarf on a tall, lopsided snowman with the help of Paul. Ringo, John and myself all clapped at the kids and Paul's efforts. When Myself and Katie got home I asked her if she wanted soup for dinner. Katie nodded eagerly.

"Okay, but bath first" I say, tickling her. She starts squealing. Once Katie is bathed and ready for bed, I start to cook the tomato soup. I look over at my daughter, who is sitting playing with a doll. I turn the stove off and bowl up the soup. I lift Katie into the seat behind her bowl of soup. She picks up her 'winnie the pooh' spoon and takes a mouthful of soup.

"It's hot" She frowns.

"Blow on it then" I reply. Half an hour later, I'm sitting on the edge of the bath, brushing Katie's teeth. I carry her into her room and tuck her in.

"Can I have a bedtime story please?" Katie asks, nearly dozing off. I smile and reach for '101 short fairytales'. I start to read one about the 'fairy princess'. By the time I was done, Katie was fast asleep. I kiss her on the head and turn the light out. I go downstairs and turn on the telly. Celebrity news. Great. 'Paul McCartney spotted building a snowman with two young children. One we recognize as Julian Lennon, son of John Lennon. But who is this mysterious other little girl? Does she belong to a beatle? Or is she friends with Julian.? Who knows?" The news guy read. I switched channels. Great. My daughter is pasted all over the news. Excellent.... A few hours later, I decided to go to bed.

A/N- Hey guys, sorry for the wait, I was on holiday and was very busy. This chapter isa bit shitty But here ya go! P+L ✌✌👍🎸🎵⭐😘❤♥😁😊

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