chapter 2 girlfriend

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Jessica's pov

You and Maddie walk back to the room when you and her see there big hard dicks you laugh and Maddie joins you

"What's so funny?"Grayson says

"Look at your dicks!"I say still laughing

They blush you and Maddie stop laughing and walk up to them hugging them u feel Ethan's dick rub your heat you moan he looks at you and kisses you and you kiss back Grayson and Maddie are just staring at you,you laugh

"What is pp was touching my heat?"you say trying to hold in your laughter

You and Maddie start bursting in laughter and the twins do to

E: hey

J:why are u texting me

E:Cuz I didn't want them to hear our Convo

J:... So what

E: :) do.. you..Wanna..Be..My.. Girlfriend?

J: aww eth of course I will ;)

E: my name is not Ethan or eth it's daddy to you ;)

J: yeah ok daddy



E:you just turned me on thanks ALOT I just got it down

J:sorry lol :)

"Who you texting"Maddie says looking on your phone screen

"My boyfriend :)" you say smirking at Ethan

"But you don't have a boyfriend..?"Maddie said with a confused look

"YES I DO HE IS RIGHT HERE!!!"You say pointing at Ethan

"Dude I was going to bet with you!"Grayson said

"About what!?"maddie says looking at Grayson

I lick my teeth well the bottom of them Ethan looked at me and winked at me he tried to do it well he killed it I think I'm wet I walk to the bathroom I walk in to someone holding my hips I turn around to see Ethan smirking at me he kisses me with passion I kiss back and I took off his shirt and he took of mine then we take off our pants and go at it he revealed he huge dick he thrust it inside of me I moan "E-ETHAN IS IT ALL IN??" I say "no not even close." He says putting it all in "D-DADDY!" I moan I cum he puts out of me slowly I moan he puts he's head near my heat and looks at me I nod and his licks it causes me to moan before I knew it his tongue is flicking in side of me I moan like crazy "DADDY!" I moan "Shh you don't want daddy getting caught now do you?" He asked I nod no he starts again I moan louder he puts his hand over my mouth "Shh OK me and u are going to fuck so hard when we get to my house u won't walk."he says winking at me I try to Stand up but fall "I told you!"he says laughing helping me stand up we go back to the group "You guys were at it hard I heard her moaning"Grayson says "Yeah next time make sure she can't scream."Maddie says I blush and look at Ethan blushing I kiss him then we sit down

"The show is starting!" Kyle says AKA the twins manager they leave and me and Maddie sit there on our phones the hole time

39 mins later

The twins walk back in the room telling us to let's go while getting there stuff we get in there car and a swarm of girls come screaming we drive off to the hotel the twins are staying at I go to sleep in Ethan's bed with Ethan and Maddie goes to Graysons bed going to sleep with Grayson after the boys are sleep me and Maddie slip out if there arms and go to the pool.

"So..."I say looking at Maddie

" ME AND GRAYSON ARE DATTING!" She says super fast

"O....K wasn't expecting that.." I say looking at her in a creepy way we dry off change into our PJs and slip back In bed in the middle of the night Ethan snuggled up to me a bit to much his dick was in my butt I moaned and Ethan looked at me with a smirk "NO!" I say with a loud wishper and he makes a puppy face and I said no with my lips and I also said go to bed we fall asleep everyone is sleep expect the boys I wake up with the smell of eggs, pancakes,and bacon Ethan walks up to me "Good morning sleepyhead." He said in a soft deep voice kissing me into the for head "Good morning baby."I say kissing his lips "Is Maddie up?"I say with a follow-up question "No." He says "Can I wake her up?" I ask he nods "Yes since breakfast is almost done."he says going to the kitchen I stand up and go to Maddie waking her up she slaps me I slap her back both waking her up and making her tear up I lay next to her "That was on you" I said playfully hitting her

A/n hey I'm going to post every other day so tomorrow with not have a post so Thursday I will Post anyway PEACE! love!!<3

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