Dream Story Time

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OK sorry I haven't been uploading I'm sick and yeah so I have a dream story time OK its about Shawn Mendes here we go!

"Denajah I have to leave school to go to tour." Shawn said pouting

"How long will you be?" I asked trying to hold in my tears me and Shawn been friends since the end if elementary school even know im a 1 or 2 grades behind him I had a slightest crush on him but I put it away we met from people bullying me in his grade he told them to back off and to stop and pick on people ur own size and helped me up ever since then he was my body guard and nobody messes with me now days well only a little

"Like 4 or 5 months but after I'll come right back." He said packing up his locker BTW now were in high school and its the end of the day the last period of the day me and Shawn skip to talk with each other

"But I'll miss you." I said with a tear escaping my eye

"And I'll miss you too." He said putting a kiss on my forehead and walking away I just stood their for a couple seconds than ran after him

"I'll text you when I get home and you better answer!" I said running to my car

"Yeah OK!" He yelled driving off after I was ready I drove off

-- skip ride --

I parked my car and ran to my room no one was home except me and I go right to my phone and pull up his contact in messages and sit on my bed

Me: Hey Shawn 😢

Shawn: sent a gif

It said thank you for helping to to what I have become

Me: no probs 😁

Shawn: and thanks for being their for me and help with my home work and my song writing

Me: I should be saying thanks because you helped me by not getting bullyed and being my body guard and being my best friend my only friend I'm going to miss you so much😭

Shawn: stop crying please.

Right their he called me

H-hello I said into the phone crying still

Denajah stop crying don't make me say your full name!

I can't help it my only friend known as my beat friend and crus- is going away for 4 or 5 months

Your what?

My best friend 

I think he heard me almost say crush

I don't think you just said best friend I heard something else

I don't want to tell you what else I said yet

Now you told me how you feel about me now its time for you to know how I feel about you

At this moment my heart beats was picking up


Denajah you are my best friend... Partner in crime... And... M-my cr-crush

I could feel him blushing

Sh-shawn I feel.... The same way

You-you do?

I can tell he was crying

Yes, I have since the first day I met you witch was the day YOU saved me from the bullies

How come you didn't tell me?

Your older than me and I thought that you didn't like me back



Will you do the honor of being my girl-girlfriend?

Yes,yes a thousand times yes!

And with that the line went dead

Beep beep

Shawn has added you to a group chat

Shawn: Hey manager ( I didn't know his mangers name)

Manager: Hey Shawn who's the pip squeak?

Shawn: The person who inspired me to start song writing and my girlfriend

Me: H-hi

Manager: Shawn I would love to meet this pip squeak of yours and find out how you to met and guess what

Shawn: What?

Manager: She can go on tour with you/us

Me: really?

Manager: mmhm

Me: OMG! thank you so much!

Manager: no problem pip squeak

Me: the names Denajah but pip squeak works I like it 😁

Manager: OK see you soon Shawn and Denajah

Me: OK

Then I started packing and told my mom I was going she agreed

-- skip packing --

Knock knock

It was Shawn

"You ready?" He asked holding a hand out my phone is on the charger and I grabbed it, it died and I didn't turn it on until now a soon as I did my phone blown up with notifications from tweeter,Instagram, Facebook witch I keep forgetting to log out on, and Snapchat since only my family and Shawn I follow on all of those I saw his post on everyone it said " I love my lovely girlfriend @Denajah" and a couple cute picks of me that he took when I wasn't paying attention ( I didn't want to use my REAL name) and I liked all of them he saw I was and started blushing then since I am sick and I'm always sleep my grandma woke me up and I got mad and yelled at her a little cuz I got mad at her anyway I might upload today but I'm still sick so I might not anyway sorry for not uploading lately anyway so many anyways... Anyway love y'all PEACE LOVE!

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