A Dancer's Life- Chapter 6

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Updating whenever I can!

-Rachel xoxo


"We're not together!" I yell, "It just happened!"

"So you suck faces with all your friends?" Nick says, "Brandon told me to come here."

We both look at Brandon. "You set this up?" I ask and he nods, "Oh my gosh. You planned to have Nick see us but you didn't plan that we'd figure it out."

"I just want him to know that you're mine," Brandon says moving closer to me. I take a step back.

"I'm nobody's. I thought we were finally working things out to all be friends again, but I guess not," I say and walk away.

I get to the dressing room to find out that it's time for awards. I walk onto the stage to find the rest of the ALDC.

"We're going to start off with mini solos," the announcer says. He reads off 10th through 2nd and no Mackenzie. "First place goes to, drum roll please, act number 8 Mackenzie!"

We all scream and shout for her as she walks up with a huge smile on her face to accept her award. The announcer does a few more categories until he hits elite teen duo/trios. "Second place overall teen elite duo/trio goes to act 163 All of the Pieces!" Thank God it wasn't me. "And first place goes to number 177 I Can't Do It!" Nick, Brandon, and I walk up to the guy and he asks us our names and the name of our studio. We take a bow and go sit back down.

The announcer keeps calling number after number and finally, it's time for junior small groups.

"The highest scoring elite junior small group is... Number 245 Near to You!" We all jump up and down and gather near the man, "Congrats! What's the name of your studio?" He holds the microphone towards us as we all yell, "Abby Lee Dance Company!" "Great job girls and guys," he says into the microphone, "That concludes our awards ceremony. I hope you all had a great time!"

The ALDC gets up and heads to the dressing room. Everybody won so everybody's happy. Nick whispers in my ear, "Beach at 11." As I turn the corner to the dressing room, I see two people at the end of the hallway. As I get closer, I see it's Brandon and Payton. It looks like they're just talking but then he backs her against the wall, she's smiling. His hands make their way to her hips and hers slide up the front of his body to his hair. Brandon leans in and kisses her. My jaw just drops. Wasn't he just making out with me an hour ago?! This. Is. Gross. I hear the dressing room door open and it's Nick. He peeks out to see what I'm looking at.

"C'mon Brooke. It's not good for you to be seeing this," Nick says loud enough so that Brandon would hear.

Brandon looks over here and then basically throws Payton off of him.

"You saw what she did to me, right?!" Brandon says.

"I saw the whole thing and, for once, it wasn't all her fault," I say, "Brandon, you were all over her. Just like you were all over me an hour ago."

Brandon just stood there because he knew I was right.

Nick takes my arm and leads me into the dressing room.

"Brookie! You did so good!" my mom says as she hugs me extremely tight.

"Thanks mom," I say.

Abby then walks into the room, "Nice job everyone! Where's my broom for that clean sweep?!" We all run up to hug her, even Nick, "Okay everyone, go have fun tonight. Be ready tomorrow morning at 9 in the lobby ready to leave. Once again, nice work."

I walk over to my makeup mirror to start packing up. First, I peel off my fake eyelashes and throw them away.

"That looks extremely uncomfortable," Nick says.

"You get used to it," I say laughing a bit. Next I take a makeup remover wipe and wipe all of the makeup off of my face. Then, I quickly reapply normal makeup. After I'm all packed up, so is everybody else. We all grab our things and head to the bus.

After loading everything, I take my usual seat in the back and Nick comes and sits next to me. Then I see Brandon walk onto the bus. He takes one of the first seats.

"Do you want to talk?" Nick asks.

I just shrug my shoulders and look down. "I just don't know why he does it," I say, "Is screwing with me a game for him?"

"No one should treat you that way Brooke, it's just not right."

I lean my head on his shoulder and he wraps his arms around me.

"Thanks for being here for me," I say.

"Anytime," he says.

When we get back to the hotel, everyone goes back up to their rooms because they're going swimming. I'm not really in the mood. Nick and I get in the elevator and hit 7. As the doors are closing, Brandon jumps in. This just got pretty awkward. The doors open again and we all get out and walk down the hallway to our room.

"Are you going swimming?" Nick asks.

"No, I'm not feeling it," I answer.

"Okay. Well, if you need anything, I have my phone. Okay?"

"Okay Nick. Have fun."

"I plan on it."

Nick left and it was just me and Brandon, alone.

"I'm sorry," Brandon says.

"It doesn't matter."

"Yes it does. We both have feelings for each other. That matters."

"I don't have feelings for you anymore so just stop."

I walk over to the sliding doors going out to the balcony.

"No," Brandon says as he comes over and pins me against the wall.

"Brandon. Seriously? Forcing yourself on me isn't going to change a thing," I say.

"Oh really?" he says so close that our lips are almost touching as he talks. My heart beat picks up a bit. I can't be attracted to a douchebag like Brandon, right? I have a stronger connection with Nick, or so I thought. He leans in a bit more and his lips brush against mine. I tell myself not to kiss back, but I do. This felt amazing. My hands traveled his body as his did to mine. he broke apart for a second. "If you have no feelings for me, why are you kissing back?"

"You can kiss someone and have no feelings towards them," I say, "You should be the first one to know that. You're the biggest player I know."

"So you're using me just to make out with me?"

"Maybe. There's nothing wrong with that, right?"

"Nope, nothing at all," he says leaning in again.

"But no one can know, okay?"

"Whatever you say," he says kissing me again.

A Dancer's Life... Well, Sort of (Brooke Hyland FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now