Saying Goodbye

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The following day Gavin was feeling slightly guilty for his actions. He could not believe he did what he had done in his office while watching. The jog that morning was more on of anger at himself. When he returned home Foster was sitting on the steps of the side door. Gavin felt uneasy, mostly because he had saw what he saw. "Hey, what's up?" Gavin asked walking up to him. "He's dead." He said looking up at Gavin with tears in his eyes. "She called me this morning to let me know. I didn't even get to be there with him." He told Gavin. In any other situation Gavin would have quickly wrapped his arms around Foster but his guilt was too strong to do it, so he waited for Foster to stand up and hug him. "I'm sorry." Gavin told him rubbing his back. "Here, come in let me change clothes and I can drive you to wherever he is." Gavin offered. "There is no need. That woman has already had him cremated. She that just out of spite of me." He told me releasing his grip and looking in Gavin's eyes. "She said she would be back next week. She is staying with her sister. So where is Foster, stuck at home alone." He complained wiping tears from his face. "Do you need a ride to a friends or anything?" Gavin asked him. "I have no friends Gavin. I was home schooled, I am a loser." he remarked. "You have me." Gavin told him giving him a smile. "And I am happy you moved in. I felt so alone." Foster replied. "The family that lived there before you had a son and we were very close. One day they moved and as you can tell by our neighborhood there isn't many people." He told Gavin. "Look, Foster. If you want you can stay here. I don't have a guest room but I have a pull out couch in my office." He told Foster. "Thank you. Honestly I just do not want to be in that house. Empty and alone."

That afternoon Foster knocked at the door holding a small bag with his personal items in it. Gavin opened the door and let him in. "Thanks again. Honestly I do not think I could have stayed in that house tonight." He told him. "You know you are welcome anytime you want. I have already pulled out the couch." Gavin informed. He walked him up to the office and Foster set his bag on the bed. "It's not the most comfortable thing. I lived on that couch for two years of school." Gavin told him sitting down beside Foster on the bed. "No, oh it's fine." He mentioned. "Do you like pizza? I figured I would order some for dinner." Gavin asked. "Yeah, that's fine." Foster answered quietly. He sat quietly a moment, his hands on his face. Gavin rubbed his shoulder in condolence. Foster raised up his head and looked at Gavin. "Thank you. I will be OK." He told him. "Yes you will." Gavin assured. Foster looked around the room to take in the surroundings. "Nice office." He remarked. "Thanks. This where do all my work." Gavin mentioned. "Oh, I never asked what you do." Foster questioned. "I am a writer for a social blog. Working on being an author of my own as well." Gavin informed. "That's cool." He said looking over at the chair in front of the window. "Hey you can see my window from this room. That's my room." Foster mentioned pointing to the window. "Oh, never noticed it before." Gavin replied. "I could see the light in this room sometimes from my window. I just figured it was a guest room or something." Foster mentioned. Gavin felt uneasy as the chair was still in front of the window from where he had performed his acts. Gavin tried to play it cool and stood up and walked to the window and looked out at Fosters window. "I guess you can see it." He remarked slowly moving the chair back to the desk. "What is the book about. The one you are writing?" Foster asked politely. "Oh, its a book about relationships between a couple who are having problems." Gavin informed pushing the chair under the desk and turning to Foster. "Sounds not so happy." He remarked. "Well, it is based on a true story of sorts. My own." Gavin bit his lip and mentioned. "You were in a bad relationship?" Foster curiously asked. "It wasn't always bad, but then it went bad. Things happen you move on." He replied to answer his question. "Sorry to hear." Foster expressed. "It's OK. We learn and move on. That is what we do as humans. We just learn to adjust and grow from what happens both good and bad." Gavin spoke. Gavin was nervous about talking about this with Foster. He did not know how he would react when or if he was to tell him that the relationship was with a man. "That was well said. Now if I can apply it to my situation." Foster told him. "You will, it just takes time."

After dinner Gavin and Foster sat at the table talking for a good hour about life. Foster was happy to have someone to tell his woes to. Gavin felt it was a good idea to allow him to let it out. Gavin's watch beeped letting him know it was eleven. "It's getting late." Foster mentioned. "Yeah, guess we should turn in for the night. You going to be OK?" Gavin asked. "Yeah I will be. feel better talking to you. Knowing you are just across the hall helps too." Foster said with a smile. Gavin smiled back as they stood up and made their way upstairs. Gavin stood in the doorway as Foster sat down on the bed. "If you need anything my room is that door right there." Gavin told him. "Thanks, I should be OK. Thanks again for being there for me." Foster said to him with heart. "That is what friends do." Gavin told him. "Gavin, you are more than a friend to me. Just so you know." Foster spoke. Gavin smiled looking down at him. He was unsure how to follow up from that. Inside he knew this adorable boy who he was having a crush on was hurting inside. He wanted nothing more than to scoop him up in his arms and hug him and keep him in his arms all night, but that was not what he could do. "Well, goodnight Foster." Gavin said turning to close the door. "Goodnight Gavin."

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