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Harry's Pov

"God I hate school." I mumbled running my hand over my face.
"Harry I wasn't the one who suggested school." Asher mentioned getting my bag ready like my mom.
"I know Asher." I replied grabbing a bottle of vodka and having a few sips.
"Harry, no." Asher said taking all the bottles of alcohol I had and dumping them down the drain.
"Ash." I whined when he was done.

"You're 17 Harry. Act like it." Asher said shaking his head disapprovingly.
"Yeah I'm a 17 year old millionaire." I finished grabbing my tooth brush and scrubbing my teeth with bubblegum toothpaste and then swishing some spearmint mouthwash in my mouth.
"We're leaving." I said grabbing the keys to my Range Rover and heading out the door with my bag and other shit for school. Asher followed after and followed me to the parking garage with me.

"I still don't understand why going back to school is good "PR"." I said making hand motions. Asher sighed and took the keys from me.
"Because, the more public interaction with school the better, you came into fame at 13. You've never had a normal school life. Now suck it up. We're here." Asher said pointing at the decent sized school. I let out a loud laugh when I saw the name of the school.
"Wow, really original. Normal Community." I mumbled resting my head against the glass and putting a piece of bubblegum into my mouth.

"I didn't choose it. Now look happy and get out of the car. I have to stay with you in school. Don't be freaked out, just safety stuff." Asher said handing me my keys. I nodded and got out of the car. I slid on my shades and fixed my $300 hair in the mirror.
"Marco is a blessing for cutting that mess it was before." Asher said waiting patiently.
"Whatever Asher. Let's go be Normal." I said blowing a bubble until my gum made a loud pop.

"First rule of being normal. Don't say anything about your expensive clothes or items. Keep that on the down low. Head to the main office and we can get you checked in." Asher commented. Leading me through the parking lot. I got a lot of stares and a lot of girls running towards me. I kept my cool and followed Asher through the rest of the parking lot and through the front doors. I took off my ray bands and put them in my back pack.

Asher took me to the main office where they pulled out a black file with Harry Styles printed in big black letters.
"So you dropped out of middle school and did online school for the past four years. You're a senior and came back this year. Can I see the records of graduation?" She asked earning a nod from Asher. He handed over my records and she looked through them.

"Ok so I need a physical sheet for Mr. Styles and then you're all set." She said looking at Asher. Asher handed over the form and tapped his finger on his thigh. A habit he started on my first tour. We left the office shortly after and walked through the halls. Asher handed me my schedule and I looked over my classes. It read as follows.

1st hour: AP English 4
2nd hour: Swim
3rd hour: AP French
4th hour: Lunch
4th hour: Homeroom
5th hour: AP Calculus
6th hour: Study Hall
7th hour: Chorus
8th hour: AP Biology

I mentally rolled my eyes at the selection. I had already taken all of these classes for a semester. Chorus was my new favorite class. Let's hope it isn't awkward.

When Asher and I arrived at my locker I put my lock on it and Asher placed all of my textbooks into my back pack.
"I'll carry this one." Asher said holding the bag with all the books. I nodded and took the English one for 1st hour. Asher lead me through the halls and I made mental notes to myself where all my classes were.
"Now I'll be in every class and hopefully I'll be by you. If not keep this bracelet on at all times." Asher mentioned pointing to my Ireland bracelet.

"Asher I'm offended! I thought this was a gift, it's a tracking device? I'm not a lost puppy dear Asher." I commented walking into my first class right as a bell rang. All eyes were on my as I walked to the teacher and licked my lips before introducing myself.
"My name is Harry Styles and I'm new here." I greeted earning a big grin in return from a women in her late thirties.
"I'm Mrs. Cassidy and I'll be your teacher. Now, I've heard a lot of buzz about you Mr. Styles. I hope your grades are as good as your debut track." She smiled leading me to a desk and handing me a letter. I handed it to Asher and sat down at the group. All girls. Wonderful.

"I have a seat for your body guard right here." Mrs. Cassidy said motioning to a chair by the door.
"Be good." Asher said before walking off. I sat my backpack at the empty seat next to me and popped my back against the chair.
"So are you rich?" One girl commented looking at my gold Apple Watch and smiling too sluty at me.

"Depends. I'm rich but I'm not named Rich. My names Harry." I winked grabbing my book and popping my gum again. She nodded and giggled. Right as the teacher began to introduce herself a boy came running in.
"So sorry. There was an accident and then a car in front of me broke down. And then this ass-" the boy stopped and looked at the teacher who let out a laugh.
"Go ahead finish it." She smiled.
"Hole cut me off in the parking lot and it's the first day of school and I'm late to my first class. I'm so sorry Mrs. Cassidy." The boy said sighing in frustration. She nodded and motioned to a seat.

"Go sit down next to Styles." She said. I moved my bag but left my book on his desk for a little longer.
"I'm Niall." The boy said smoothing his ripped skinny jeans over and then handing me my book.
"I'm Harry and totally interested." I winked earning a blush from the boy. The girls let out a huff and I rolled my eyes.
"I'm gay." I pointed out to the the two girls who huffed.
"A millionaire who's gay?" The blonde said pouting.

"A mill- holy shit you're Harry Styles." Niall said with wide eyes. I nodded and pulled out a post it note and wrote my number down.
"Yeah I am. And like I said, I'm interested." I said. I blew another bubble with my gum and waited until I heard the pop.

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