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Harry's Pov

Ever since Luke said that thing at dinner I've been thinking of how to ask Niall if he can get pregnant. I'm curious. I personally wouldn't care but I'd like to know. It'd be nice to know if I have to wear a condom everytime we have sex. Which we were currently doing in the back of my Range Rover. When Niall hit his high I released inside of the condom.

"I think I like having sex in cars now." Niall admitted kissing me slowly.
"Yeah. Like the feeling of your body heat trapped against mine." I whispered leaving a hickey on his neck. Niall nodded and yawned.
"Hey can I ask you something before you fall asleep?" I said pulling on my boxers and joggers. Niall nodded and waited for me to clean him off before getting dressed. I waited for him to sit on my lap and then I spoke.
"Can you get pregnant?" I asked. Niall tensed but then relaxed and turned to face me.
"Um yeah. I was going to tell you if it came up. You always use protection so I figured we'd be safe." Niall said looking at his hands after he finished.

I lifted his chin with my hand and smiled softly at him.
"Hey that's cool. I just wanted to make sure I won't be a dad anytime soon." I winked. Niall blushed and nodded smiling. We sat there for a few more minutes after and just talked about random stuff before I went off topic.
"So these guys were flirting with me. They're on the footie team I guess?" I said in an unsure tone. Niall perked up and sat on my thighs.

"What were they saying?" Niall asked grabbing my hand slowly.
"They were saying how hot I was and how fuckable I look and then one of them said that I had really nice back muscles." I said letting out a laugh.
"So you don't know their names?" Niall said frowning when I nodded.
"I'll have to ask around. Don't want anybody stealing you. You're mine." Niall mumbled kissing me on the lips.

I grinned into the kiss and nodded.
"All yours." I said kissing him again. Niall smiled before pulling back and yawning. I took that as my cue that he was ready to leave and went to the front of my car and buckled up. Niall followed behind and sat in the passenger seat and buckled too.
"Hey do you think you could just take me to your place. My dad is out of town this weekend and I'm not really wanting to stay home alone. Luke is at Ashton's." Niall said leaning back in his seat. I nodded and texted Asher that we were on our way.

When we got to my place I carried Niall inside and Asher opened the door for me. I put Niall in my bed and walked back out to the living room where Marco was standing by Asher on his phone.
"So you told him." Marco said. It had been three days since I told Asher and two days since I had taken Niall to my concert in Malibu. I hadn't talked to Marco since the dinner.
"Yeah. Sorry about that." I said earning a laugh from Marco.

"I was actually planning my way to tell him when Asher showed up. He's pretty cute when he's angry." Marco commented messing with Asher's messy hair.
"Did you two fuck in Asher place before I texted him?" I asked drinking a water bottle. Marco smirked and nodded.
"Good because I can see everything that happens in here from my phone." I said. Asher rolled his eyes and shook his head. He wouldn't have sex with Marco in his car let alone my apartment.

I sat on the couch and spent the next hour or two on my phone while Niall slept. Asher was making dinner and Marco was sitting next to me.
"You must've wore that boy out. He's been asleep for a long time." Marco said laughing. I laughed and nodded. We only had two rounds but the first round I might've edged him a couple of times before fucking him. I heard what sounded like my door opening so I walked to my room and found Niall standing in the doorway rubbing at his eyes.

"Hey baby." I whispered careful not to startle him. Niall slowly started blinking his eyes and held out his arms.
"Hey." Niall mumbled once I had picked him up. He's so light.
"Did you need something?" I asked carrying him to my kitchen and sitting him on the counter.
"Just some water please." Niall replied yawning softly.

"You look adorable." Marco said looking at Niall's cute self. He looked like he could be cuddled a million times. And his bed head was adorable.
"Thanks." Niall mumbled blushing. I handed him a water and he drank it while I stood between his legs and he wrapped his legs around my lower back and waist. I heard Marco take a picture and then smiled at us.
"You two are too cute to handle." Marco said walking over to Asher and leaning up against his back.

Niall finished his water and I carried him to the couch where we cuddled up and watched tv. I ended up falling asleep at some point and I woke up to soft kisses on my face from Niall and the smell of chicken spreading throughout my apartment.
"Compliments to the chef." I said sitting at the table. Asher said a you're welcome to everyone after we all said our thanks and then we all dug in.
"So if you guys have a boy I think you should name him Harry." I said smirking. Marco rolled his eyes and laughed.
"Yeah and whys that?" Marco said allowing me to believe that I had a chance.
"Then he will have a better shot at having a large penis like your favorite Harry."

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