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Niall's Pov

"He fucking tastes like bubble gum all the time. I love it." I said collapsing onto my bed. Harry had a meeting today so I was stuck home for a few hours until he came over. Luke stood in my doorway smirking.
"I mean I could've guessed. You two are always making out." Luke said tossing me some bubble gum.
"Here. To remind you of him." Luke said laughing. I rolled my eyes and placed the gum on my bedside table.
"Whatever Ashton lover." I mumbled.

"Hey. Not fair. I haven't talked to him in like a day." Like said crossing his arm.
"I think you meant to say a minute." I replied sticking my tongue out at him.
"Hey don't stick out your tongue for anyone. Harry might get jealous." Luke said. I rolled my eyes and flipped him off.
"How are we related?" I said.
"We're twins brother deareast." Luke smirked running over and jumping on top of me.
"Hey no incest." My dad said standing at the door.

Luke and I both let out groans and glared at my dad.
"Not cool dad. Not cool." I said earning a nod from Luke in agreement.
"Don't team up on me. You guys are scary good at winning things together." My dad said. Luke and I smirked.
"And that is why we are related." I said high giving Luke. Luke nodded and kissed my cheek.
"Hey Ashton might get jealous." I mimicked. Luke rolled his eyes.

"I don't think he can get jealous if I told him I wouldn't get in his pants." Luke smirked. I bursted out laughing my dad groaned and walked away with Luke following close behind. When they had left I collapsed onto my bed and grabbed my phone. No texts from Harry. But I had at least 20 snapchats from him. I opened them all and laughed when they were all pictures of people in his meeting. They all had some caption about how annoying the meeting was.

The last one however was a picture of his crotch with a caption that read, 'could really use some head right now🤔' I replied with my mouth wide open and said, 'Ready when you are😉'. I then went to his story and saw that he had posted that on his story. I sent him a chat and said 'did you mean to do this?' Harry opened it a few minutes later and said, 'oh shit. No. But 120k people have already seen it.' I laughed and shrugged it off. I wasn't the possessive jealous type about pictures like that. Now if we were in public I sure as hell am possessive.

If you were to pull down Harry's shirt you would see his chest littered with hickeys. Harry did the same to me. We're both just possessive motherfuckers.
"Hey. What's for dinner?" Luke asked walking into my room.
"I don't know. What is dad making?" I replied plugging my phone in and closing my eyes.
"He said to ask you what you want to eat." Luke replied.

"Shrimp Scampi." I said licking my lips at the thought.
"Ok. Sounds good. I was going to say Chicken Alfredo." Luke said before walking out. I closed my eyes and relaxed on my bed while I could hear and smell my dad making dinner.

When dinner was ready I got out of bed and walked to the table. I was surprised to see that Asher was there without Harry.
"Hey Asher." I said casually.
"Hey. Lover boys in the bathroom." Asher said. I nodded and resisted the urge to go into the bathroom with Harry.
"Go ahead Niall." My dad said laughing at my anxiousness. I stood up and walked to the bathroom. I knocked and Harry opened up pulling me into his embrace.
"Was wondering when you would come in." He mumbled pressing his lips against mine.

"I mean I would've been here sooner but I didn't know you were here." I replied kissing him one last time.
"Note to self. Text you when I'm on my way." Harry mumbled resting his forehead against mine.
"Mhm." I responded closing my eyes and the pulling away completely. I opened the door and walked back to the table and sat down across from Luke. Harry sat next to me across from Asher.
"Thanks for dinner dad." I said piling shrimp scampi onto my plate. Everyone said their thanks to my dad and then dug in after he said you're welcome.

"So I'm taking Niall to one of my concerts." Harry said pausing his eating to speak. My dad nodded approvingly and Luke smirked.
"So like how many places could you find in that place to fuck?" Luke asked glancing at Harry.
"Luke." My dad said disapprovingly.
"I guess at least 20." Harry responded earning a laugh from my dad.
"You boys are unbelievable." My dad laughed shaking his head.

"At least they use protection. God knows we don't need a baby anytime soon." Luke said. I paused my eating and shook my head. Harry paused and looked at Luke.
"Why would we have a baby?" Harry asked. My dad gave Luke a look and then Luke replied.
"Because male pregnancy is a thing Harold." Luke stated obviously. My dad glared at Luke and Luke looked at me with a look that said 'you should've known'.

"I'm aware. That's why Marco is pregnant." Harry said. Asher choked on his water and looked at Harry with wide eyes.
"Marco is what?" Asher said wiping his face off.
"He is pregnant. Did he not tell you? Oh that's awkward." Harry said scratching the back of his head. I shook my head in amusement and Harry grinned at me.
"I have to excuse myself." Asher said standing up. Harry laughed and looked over at Luke.

"Now that is a man that is scared of babies." Harry said. Luke laughed and nodded.
"You know who isn't afraid of babies?" I said to Luke. Luke raised his eyebrows while waiting for my response.

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