Olivia Ohio!

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Episode Synopsis: Katy is late to school after having a audition for another movie as Rachel over hears that Quinn's baby daddy isnt Finn and is actually Noah. Meanwhile Ella does some snooping on Olivia Ohio to find out who she actually is. Will she work it out though? and Will Rachel tell Katy what she's heard. Jason keeps trying to split Katy and Noah up but knows that wont happen now they are engaged. and Quinn decides she wants to keep the baby.

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(Voice over)

Previously on Glee the siblings story

Katy had her Olivia Ohio Audition but also announced that she was pregnant by throwing a pregnancy test at Noah. Ella Followed Katy and Noah out of school to see what was going on and didn't understand any of it. Noah and Katy got engaged, Rachel came back to glee club and Quinn stayed at Finn's after being kicked out by her father. Sarah and Anya Puckerman where introduced and Katy found out that Kurt like loved Olivia Ohio

And that's what you missed on Glee the siblings story

(Line break)

(A girl that looks exactly like Tina walks down the hallway as she does a voice over)

Hi everyone I'm Rebecca. I'm the sister of Tina and I'm 15 years old. My sister is in Glee club and so am I but I don't have many friends.

You see I'm a very shy person and don't make friends easily. I'm not like Bianca, Ella, Freya, Katy and Sarah they are all popular and cheerios. As for me well all I am is a girl thats in that Glee club.

It's not so fun you know. All I ever get is a slushie facial and they aren't nice, they sting if they hit your eyes and you have to go straight to the bathroom to clean up.

I have a crush on this real nice looking guy his name is Jason Hudson but he will never notice me. He is always looking at Katy but she's got someone and he doesn't seem to get that.

I mean why can't he just notice me. I want to be Mrs Rebecca Hudson one day instead of Miss Rebecca Cohen-Chang. Man I hate my name.

Anyway I'm just of to glee club ooh look theres Jason he must be heading to Glee club as well. Did he just smile at me? Oh no it wasn't me he smiled at it was Rachel.

Talking of Rachel how come she's here and Katy isn't with her I mean all the other cheerios are here is Katy ill? maybe Rachel will tell us all where her sister is. Noah's here though thats weird usually if Katy's not here Noah isn't.

Wait did I just catch Noah looking at Quinn? Yes I did! I knew I had! I wonder whats going on with them both they are always looking at each other
it's weird. They have been doing it since it came out Quinn was pregnant. Wait what if Finn isn't the dad and Noah knows that.

I really wanna find out. Anyway Im going to go and sit with my sister and see whats happening.

R.C.C over and out.

(Line break)

Rachel looked at everyone with a smile as Mr Schue walked in looking at the hole Glee club and spotting Katy wasn't there.

"Rachel where's your sister" He asked.

"She's at that appointment she told you about Mr Schue remember. The one my dads had to take her to?" Rachel replied meaning her sister was at a audition.

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