Dedicated to you part one

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Episode Synopsis: After learning the truth from her sister about her best friend and fiancé  Katy decides to dedicate both her songs for the assignment to Puck and Quinn instead of dedicating one to Rachel like she had originally planned, Sarah and Bianca fall out with their siblings and then with Katy. Introducing Jesse St.James and his younger twin siblings Jasper and Jaycee who start attending WMHS to spy on Rachel and Katy, and Harry takes time of work to spend time with Miles after him and Katy finally get him home.

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(Voice over)

Previously on Glee the siblings story.
A lot of things happened for the members of the New Directions, Jason and Rebecca went on a date, Katy hung out with Harry and they got their son back, Katy also hung out with Sarah and Anya after Noah canceled their plans. Quinn babysat for Mr Schue's nephews with help from Noah, the Cheerios won as always and Katy worked out that there was something weird going on with Noah and Quinn,

And that's what you missed on Glee. The siblings story.

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(Sasha's voice over)

Hey y'all I'm Sasha Jones I'm the sister or Mercedes and I've got the talent coming out of my little finger like goodness knows what!

Anyway there's a rumor doing it's rounds that Quinn Fabray's baby ain't Finn Hudson's but his best friend Noah Puckerman's  and if that rumor be true then Puckerman as got two baby mommas that are teens ooh it's going to be crazy when Katy and Finn both learn.

Goodness knows what Katy will do. I'm hoping throw that engagement ring Noah gave her right at his big fat head.

So today we have to dedicate two songs to two different people and the people I've picked are my sister Mercedes and my future self I mean Mr Schue didn't say it had to be people in glee club.

I can't wait to do my songs and see who other people have dedicated their songs to for today's assignment. It's going to be so much fun.

Talking of sisters there's mine right now walking with Kurt she fancies him you know , yet she still hasn't worked out that Kurt is gay and I mean you can tell he's gay. He's always looking at Finn with that look of love in his eyes.

Anyway I better go and get my books from my locker and things because lessons before glee club and it's one of my least fave lessons first. Math.

Sasha The youngest Diva Jones over and out

(End of voice over)

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Everyone but Katy was sat in Glee club. It had just been revealed to Katy that Puck and Quinn had been seeing each other yet everyone knew except from Katy and Finn, Rachel was the one to break the news to them and Finn had kicked right of.

Katy didn't want to be seen in the same room as Puck and Quinn but knew for glee club she had to be. She had already planned her two songs and who she was dedicating them to but, now she felt like she was going to break that rule by dedicating both songs to Noah and Quinn instead of one to Noah and one to Rachel.

As everyone sat in the choir room they waited for Katy. Rachel texted her sister to see where she was, she knew she was in school she had bought her in.

No one knew what Katy had planned until she walked in wearing a cute but hot cowgirl shirt and skirt with the matching hat and boots, Age 15 appropriate of course. Everyone looked at Katy and Noah had a 'what's going on' look on his face as he spotted Katy wasn't wearing the engagement ring.

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