Chapter 14

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7th November 2013

*Harry's POV*

"I'm going in the shower." I tell Louis.

"Okay." He says. "but be quick because I want a shower as well."

"I'll be as quick as I can." I tell him and then I walk into the bathroom. I strip from my clothes and quickly hop in the shower. Luckily Olivia has provided us with Shampoo, Shower Gel, flannels to wash with and towels. There are two flannels, one white and one blue, and two towels, one white and one blue. We've decided that I'm having the blue flannel and towel and Louis is having the white flannel and towel.

When I hop out of the shower, I realise that I have to put on the same clothes that I had on before. Even though I don't want to, I put my dirty clothes back on. If I was at home I would go commando but here I don't feel comfortable. I don't even like having showers here. It feels like Olivia is watching, even though she probably isn't. It makes me paranoid.

I walk out of the bathroom and tell Louis that he can have a shower now, but as he is about to walk into the bathroom our door is opened. I turn to the door and see that mine and Louis' guards are at the door. By now I've learnt my guards name. Joey. His name doesn't seem to fit him. I imagine a Joey being sort of geeky but he's no where near it. He's big and buff.

"Olivia told us to bring you some clean trousers so she can wash your dirty trousers and t-shirts." Joey says.

"What about clean t-shirts?" Louis asks.

"You'll just have to go topless." Louis' guard tells him.

"Oh, okay. Thanks." I say as I start to take my shirt and trousers off. Joey throws me the clean pair of trousers and I throw him my dirty clothes. Louis does the same with his guard. Louis' guard leaves almost immediately but Joey stays stood there for a little longer. He looks around the room and then at us.

"Hope you like your room." He says and then he walks out the door and closes it behind him. I listen for the door to lock but hear no sound.

"That guy is weird." Louis says.

"Yeah." I agree. "But he's also our saviour." I say as I start to walk to the door.

"Why?" Louis asks, clearly confused.

"Because he didn't lock the door.' I say as I turn the handle. The door clicks open and Louis and I stare at it with joy. We can finally get out of here.

"Do you think he did that on purpose?" I ask.

"I don't know. Probably not." Louis says which disappoints me a bit. I really want Joey to be on our side. He seems really nice...even though he did beat me up.

"Let's go." I say and as I'm about to walk out of the door Louis pulls me back.

"Check to see if someone's there first!" Louis whisper/shouts.

"Sorry." I say as he opens the door gently to look out.

"Coast is clear." He tells me and then we both walk out. When we're both out, Louis goes to close the door but I stop him.

"We might need to get back in quickly." I tell him. "So leave the door open."

"Okay." He says and he leaves the door alone. We start to walk up the corridor we are in and I notice that on one of the doors it says Zayn<3 (with Niall and Liam)

"I found the boys." I say as I point to the door.

"Great!" Louis says. "Let's try and get them out of here!" I try to turn the handle but the door is locked.

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