Chapter 1

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  • Dedicated to Paulina Cachero

Written By: Jhorden Austin

This Novella is dedicated to

Valentina Panales, the girl who my main character is based off of. She inspires me greatly

Aisha Johnson, one of my very best friends

Paulina Cachiro, a good friend of mine

Farah Naqvi, a good friend of mine who knows how to brighten someone’s day

Table of Contents

Part one: High school teens

1.      New Girlfriends

2.      Someone Please Call 911

3.      Wrong Place at the Wrong Time

4.      Flash Back

5.      The Skate Park

6.      Super Sweet 18

7.      Not in Grandma’s Front Yard

8.      Road Trip

9.      Make Your Pick

Part two: Love and Heat Break

10.  Ten Years Later

11.  Dinner For 12

12.  Baby Mama Drama

13.  Prison Mothers

Part three: Growing Up is Hard

14.  Are They 12 Already?

15.  Drastic Measures

16.  Killing is a Sin

17.  ‘Fernando, Who am I Talking To?

Terms of Use

Turf: the sole property of a person earned through love, blood, sweat, and tears

Juicy: when you like someone more than a friend and won’t admit it

Jockees: a guy’s main best friends

Bunny: another word for white girl

Coolio: a term that means laid back, is cool with everyone. Mostly subjected to a main group of people.

Stellar: a term meaning fancy or really pretty

MOB: a group of Italian men who push drugs, launder money, and murder if necessary

Going off at the mouth: Meaning talking a whole bunch of mess but not meaning any of it

Sitting Turf: meaning trying to take someone’s turf* (see turf)

Digging someone: to like someone more than a friend (see Juicy)

Kid: term is used when talking to a friend or a peer

Chopping it up: to flirt and get to know someone you like more than a friend

Turf War: when you go head on in a battle for turf

Hyphy: to get loud in an argument

Irrelevant: meaning not an important factor, something that can be by passed

Drop trip: when you drop to the ground and trip someone, like a ninja

Grodie: meaning gross and dirty at the same time

…Part One…

High School Teens


New Girlfriends

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