Chapter 3

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Wrong Place at the Wrong Time

Friday Night Smack Down

Valentina, Delanie, Shelly, Isabelle, Amber, and Miranda were ready. They all wore grey sweats and black fitted t- shirts. They had their hair in ponytails, those who could, and they were on their way to Woodland Park where this war was supposed to go down.

Dinner that Monday night was horrible. Louise had said the wrong thing to Valentina and she’d thrown the food at him. He had brought up Asia and Valentina didn’t want to talk about her. Now he was with Asia as she got ready for this war. “Babe, are you sure you want to do this?” Louise asked. “Positive. This is something that I have to prove to Valentina. I’m 18 and she can’t punk me anymore,” Asia said.

“Well, okay but I’m not going to be there to help you. This is not my fight; I can’t stop it once it starts.”

“I know and I don’t need you to fight my battles. The girls and I can handle our selves plus Valentina has gotten weaker.”

“Don’t be so quick to judge. Valentina can surprise people, including me.”

“She has gotten soft. I can promise you that.”

            The Crews were standing ready, the school was crowded around them, and Joey Vendini was standing in between them with a whistle. “This is a Turf War people! The rules are; no biting, no scratching, and no kicking. We stop the fight between each match when the opponent can’t get up. No one can jump in, not even the fighters, or the match automatically goes to the other team. What we are battling for? Valentina’s turf or the most prized possessions of Asia and her girls. Now, I want a good clean fight!” Joey said this and the crowd cheered, then he blew his whistle.


When Joey blew the whistle all she saw was red. She been waiting for this moment all week and she would prove herself. She ran at Asia like a line backer and her expression told you that she wasn’t playing. This was real. She was going to break this girl and she was going to wear her war face with pride.


She heard the sound of the whistle and was frozen to her spot, she wasn’t ready for this. She had played it cool all week because she believed Valentina had gotten soft but she realized she was the one who had gotten soft but she wasn’t going down without a fight today. She saw Valentina coming at her and before she was tackled to the ground all she thought was, what am I doing? As Valentina’s fist was about to hit her face Asia grabbed her by her hair and pulled it hard.

Delanie & Jessica

Delanie was a bulldog, the worst out of the group. With her anger problem and strong arm, she was a threat. Now this blonde bimbo sat taunting her and she was pissed about it. She started for her and she prayed that the lord would forgive her sin because even though the bible said “thou shall not kill” she was about to commit murder.

Jessica was ready, she had trained for this but she was nervous, and when she got nervous she started talking a lot. “That’s why when this is over I will be the winner and you won’t be. Guess who I’m going to take? Your man! Yea, that’s right! You don’t mean nothing.” Jessica had yelled at Delanie and then Delanie was in her face. When Delanie’s fist connected with Jessica’s jaw you heard a smack sound and Jessica went down. “That’s for going off at the mouth” Delanie said and went to sit. Her fight was finished and she had won.

Isabelle & Marta

Isabelle was a quiet girl but she hated people who gloated about what they’d been through and how many fights they’d won. So when Marta came at her Isabelle drop tripped her. Marta got up quick; of course, the trip was just a warm up. Isabelle was a gymnast fighter, so she was very flexible and flipable.

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