Letter #4

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Letter #4

I knew it was a bad idea
The moment I kissed you
The tenderness shocked me
But we leaned in for kiss #2
This time you were in my car
As I stood before you
Your eyes were closed
As you pulled me into you
Then pushed me off
You caught your breath
Seductively, you opened your eyes
And we realized the kiss' depth
Not to mention
The events that occurred prior
I had just gotten dressed and stepped out the bathroom
Your eyes became wider
They were so wide
I could see every detail of your beautiful eyes
Catching yourself stare too long
You blinked them back to normal size
We weren't doing anything sexual
We were just chilling
I was kinda massaging your back
As I watched the ceiling
I laid my head across your lap
And you were in your phone
You were talking about old friends and pictures
As I prepared to leave you alone
Grabbing my bag
I joked about a kiss
Blinking slowly
You licked your lips
Placing my bag on the floor to tease you
You rolled your eyes and walked to the door
Astounded by your beauty
I remember exactly what you wore
I had just picked you up from work
Your red hair still messy under you hat
Your uniform spotted with pizza ingredients
And you were complaining about your back
Playing as if you were putting me out
You grabbed my bag
Walking slowly to the door
You kept looking back
Asking you about the kiss
This time I was a lot closer
You dropped my bag and grabbed my hand
I can feel you skin getting colder
Getting in your face
I pinned you up against the wall by your hips
You took a sharp intake of breath
As you fought a moan hiding behind you lips
Using the little strength you obtained
You pushed me off
I laughed at the situation
You walked out the door acting tough
Playing like you wanted to fight
I squared up
You tripped and almost fell
Then screamed and cussed
Putting my bag in my car
I prepared to say goodbye
Still playing around
You met me on the driver's side
This is where the first kiss happened
And now we can't take it back
You just want to be friends
And I understand that

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