Now the best way to start of a book about yourself, is too do a tag NOT abOuT yOuRseLf *winks and does finger guns*
I'll just escort myself out into the flaming pits of hell, see some of you there.
Anyways, I got tagged by someone who I can't stand one bit, and I'm not even sure why I talk to her in the first place. But her names Chloe_lolzor... I think.
(if you couldn't tell, that was the most sarcastic sentence I've ever written in my entire life. Oh my sarcasm great)
Anyways, it's time to jump right into this bad boy ;D
Question 1. Where did you meet your Internet friend(s)?
Answer 1. Well, I meet pretty much all of them on an app called (cringeydhxbsj of me) and I somehow found them, or they found me. But I did meet Cristina on this amazing app on January 12th of last year. It's our anniversary that we both forgot. And I meet Chloe on an app called YouNow (OH SNAP) Almost 2 years in June. But then we lost touch and then we found each other again, blah blah blah
Question 2. When has your Internet Friend had your back?
Answer 1. Pretty much whenever I need them. I honestly can just text any one of them and they'll help me through it. But a specific time is when I was flipping shit and I vented to Chloe and we let our sappiness drain out from our body's (what am I saying..?) Anyways, that's all I'm going to say because it's was a great moment that should be kept to ourselves.
oH YeAhH.
Question 3. On a scale to 1 to *insert desired ship you think is real*, how real is your Internet Friendship(s)?
Answer 3. hoNEY, THEY 100% REAL. I believe if you want to call some one your friend, you gotta have that real friendship. All the people I talk to, I talk to like its myself. Yeah, I might be a little shy, but after a week or so, YOU BETTER WATCH OUT. I won't hold those ugly selfies back.
Question 4. List some of your Internet Friend(s) and name only ONE thing you love about them.
Answer 4. BAHAH, ONLY ONE??!! I need like 25
Chloe (Chloe Claus around Christmas. She does Santa skits for 100$ and hour. Just call 398-431-6289 to make a reservation) - Chloz, I love that we can talk for HOURS about legit absolutely nothing. That may not sound like much, but every single time I open up a snap from you, I die from laughter *oink*
And how we can vent our flipping hearts out one day and you can deal with my baby ass crying for an hour straight because of that. AnD OUR INSIDE JOKES. THERE'S TO MANY TO NAME, THEY ARE GRADE ACE. That's was more then one, fite me.
Cristina- Mkay, first off... YOUR MAKEUP SKILL SLAY MY EXISTENCE. You look like you could cut a bitch with your eyeliner.
Okay, now to the actually answer. I love how freaking trustworthy you are. Like for real. You were the first person that I ever EMAILED a picture of myself to you. Like damnnnn, email though. And little me trusted you already. I'm glad I did though :) And you helped me with my story that I will 99.99% not finish. But it helped out friendship xD
I'm Awkward //my tags//
DiversosThis is just a book that will be filled with information about myself... I'm boring so old why you're here... Okay I'm done now - I got the photo off of tumblr btw... it's not mine -