Chapter Eleven

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Olivia ran.

She felt her feet moving as if it had a mind of its own. The streets were empty apart from a few cars passing through the roads. She had caught the bus that brought her to the area where Jungkook lived, but it would take her a few minutes' walk to get to his building.

She knew she was being a little reckless to be going out to see him at this hour but she couldn't quite help herself. She needed to see with her own eyes that Jungkook was okay. That it was just a silly nightmare.

She was halfway through her destination when something cold touched her skin, halting her in place. Her eyebrows scrunched in confusion before looking up and seeing the dark starless skies. She gulped as she let her right arm out slowly, palm facing upward.




Raindrops fell against her palm, wetting her skin and Olivia stared down at it in horror as her dream resurfaced in her thoughts.


Olivia ran as the rain poured harder; her shoes slapping against the wet pavement. Her eyes were wild as it surveyed her surroundings, trying to make sense of where she was at the moment. Her heart was beating wildly against her chest as the rain poured, drenching her clothes and hair.

Olivia huffed as she wiped the water from her eyes, her feet trudging through wet concrete without any plans of stopping.

Turning the corner of a street, she stopped as she arrived at an intersection. And Olivia has never been so terrified in her life for right in front of her was a too familiar scene; one she had seen in her sleep too many times she had lost count.

No, she thought just as a familiar form appeared on the other side.


Jungkook ran.

He couldn't believe he let this happen. He wasn't sure how it had slipped from his he had forgotten.

It's today.

The day was today.

It was almost like magic the way time slipped from his consciousness, escaping his thoughts. He could hear his heart pounding in his ears as he ran towards the station, not caring that he was getting soaked. He needed to see Olivia right away and hoped he'd meet her halfway.

Hoped that she was okay.

He reached the intersection and stopped, seeing the green traffic light was on. A few cars passed and Jungkook was getting impatient. He couldn't wait. He needed to get to her now.

Waiting for the road to clear and seeing that there were no more incoming cars, Jungkook took a step forward and began to cross.


He looked up at the familiar voice and felt his heart stop the moment his gaze settled upon the source, which was standing on the opposite side of the street. He was relieved to see her but the numbers—the number, rather hovering over her head twisted his heart into knots and he couldn't quite breathe at the sight.



Out of nowhere, headlights beamed at his side and Jungkook squinted his eyes towards it; panic slowly rising to his chest.


He looked back at Olivia and felt the surge of panic heighten when he saw her already coming towards him.

"LIV, NO!!!"


Time seemed to be suspended as Jungkook moved his legs, sprinting towards Olivia. Headlights shone brighter and hotter as the vehicle approached and Jungkook saw her falter for a split second when she suddenly looked to her left—struck by the speeding truck coming towards them.

But Jungkook kept going; kept his eyes on Olivia, unstopping till he reached her.


Jungkook barrelled into her hard as he pushed her off the road, sending the both of them skidding across the hard concrete like rag dolls. He felt a sharp pain on his back and Olivia winced at the impact of their fall.

The truck passed in a blur and they were left in the empty street, scratched and bleeding on the ground.

Olivia opened her eyes and found herself on top of Jungkook, his chest heaving.

"Jungkook?" She asked shakily, eyes widening when she saw the blood dripping from the side of his head. "Jungkook!" She exclaimed when she saw his state, wincing as she lifted herself up slightly and cupped his cheek. "Hey... Can you hear me?"

Jungkook's eyes were closed but he was conscious. When he finally opened them, his breathing slowed; relaxing upon the sight of Olivia hovering over him.


"It's me." She gasped, feeling tears prick her eyes as she pushed his hair back. The rain has stopped but the both of them were soaking wet. "Oh my god, you're bleeding! I need to call—"

"You're...okay?" He managed to say when he caught a glimpse of the number 0 over her head before it faded and disappeared. Jungkook held her arm, making sure she was real.

"You're okay." He repeated weakly and Olivia was confused at the small smile he gave her. But before she could answer, Jungkook's grip loosened and he passed out.

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