Chapter Thirteen: The Second Door

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"I told you to think fast"

My hand clenched my throbbing jaw. "Are you sure you don't want to take a break?" James asked, standing in front of me. "No. I wanna keep training. We only have a month left" I said confidently. It was true though. The three months of peace were almost over. I had spent the last month working on combat skills with the gang. I've become more fierce, strong, competitive, and confident. James continued to look at me, worry showing in his eyes. "Unless you're tired of fighting a girl" I said, throwing in a cocky smirk.

"That does it."

I ducked under his first punch, and kick his legs, bringing him down. I knew I only had a second before he got back up. I sprinted as fast as I could to the other side of the room. However, he lunged at my back. I fought as hard as I could, but he quickly overpowered me and pinned me down. Showing a bit of mercy, he punched my chest, then my face. He wasn't supposed to show mercy. The enemies never would. He punched me one last time, aimed right at my nose. I brought my hand up, but I could already feel the blood trickling down the side of my face. His eyes widened at the sight of my blood. In training, blood was always a sign of passing the line. His hands shot up, and he started stuttering. "I-I'm s- Oh my god. What did I do? I'm so sorr-" Before he could finish his sentence, I overpowered him, flipping him onto his back and successfully pinning him. "Rule number 1, don't bring your guard down." I spat at him.

He chuckled as I got off on him and helped him up. "We should probably go get you cleaned up. Come on." James said while walking me over to the door. After going through the excruciating pain of letting James take care of my wounds, he insisted that I rest. I nodded, and slipped into my bedroom. No one knew, but I hadn't slept for weeks. My mind was too cluttered. I may sound bloodthirsty, but I was excited to finally get some action going on. Yet, I was still mortally terrified. Adam had told me that other gangs got information on me, and that I was a popular demand. I'm not sure exactly what that means, but I think they all want me dead. The hunter in me smirked at how I was considered a threat to these people.

But then again, the soft side of me took over. From what Adam had told me, these other gangs were full of experienced killers, meaning they would eliminate a threat at all costs. My dad always said to solve problems with words, not fists.


How would he react if he saw me? How would mom react if she saw me? They were both so soft hearted, they wouldn't believe how cold I've become. I eventually thought of a question that I hadn't thought of yet. Whats the point of these gangs? What are we trying to achieve? This is what I mean by 'my mind is too cluttered'. I over think things, and I end up sobbing silently in the corner of my room. But then again, I never was the girlie girl. My friends were almost always boys, and I preferred sports over shopping.

My stomach growled, breaking my thoughts. Fuck, I'm hungry. I had missed dinner to train. No point on trying to sleep on an empty stomach, right? I crawled out from under my covers. The cool summer air flowed throughout the house. I decided to throw a sweat shirt over my tank top. My stomach growled again, impatiently. I guess the booty shorts I had been wearing already had to do. I opened my bedroom door and slowly creeped my way towards the kitchen, making little to no sounds. When I finally reached the kitchen, the microwave clock read 2 in the morning. I immediately felt bad for keeping James up so late..

I poured myself a bowl of Honey Bunches of Oats topped with some blueberries. I leaned over the kitchen counter and slowly ate my cereal. Once again, my thoughts took over my mind. The questions I asked myself before floated into my brain. I was so distracted, I didn't even see Preston come down the stairs until he was right beside me. "Hey, what are you doing down here?" He nudged me a bit. "I'm eating cereal" I simply stated. However, when I looked down at my bowl, I saw it empty. Preston noticed as well. "Wow, that's my favorite kind of cereal. Why don't you share?" He joked. His face went from silly to strict in a second once he saw what I was wearing. "What the hell are you wearing?" He asked me, pointing out my booty shorts. "What the hell are YOU wearing? Oh right, nothing." I poked at his bare chest. "Oh... Well I think I'm going to go train for a bit. I can't sleep at all." He quickly changed the subject. I giggled and followed him as I wasn't even going to try and fall asleep.

Once we got to the training room, deep underground, we separated to our own sections. I grabbed a bow and a quiver of arrows and began shooting at targets. Preston set up multiple dummies and began practicing his own specialty; close combat fighting. After getting multiple bulls eyes easily, I sighed and put down my bow. 'Whats the point of practicing something that I can do in my sleep?' I thought to myself. I went over to the selection of guns that were available. I must have looked clueless, standing there for such a long time. Preston noticed and came over.

"Need some help, Jas?" He snickered. "Ian says that I'm pretty good with the small hand guns. I still have a lot to improve. But then again, Jason says I'd be an excellent sniper with just a bit more practice" I thought out loud. "I think you're more likely to use hand guns than sniper rifles, considering we have 2 snipers. However, we don't have anyone that's excellent on long guns. You could try them." Preston suggested, grabbing a hunting rifle and a shotgun. I thank him and go off to set up some dummies.

I choose the hunting rifle first. Luckily, this one had a scope. I lined up the dummies head with the red dot in the scope and pulled the trigger. The bullet shot right into the dummies head, knocking it down. "Holy dicks, that kick is brutal" I put down the gun and rubbed my shoulder. "Yeah. You're gonna want to lean in a lot more. Try again" Preston said. I picked the gun back up, pulled back on the bolt, and placed the gun in position. This time, I followed what Preston had told me and leaned in more, pressing the stock into my shoulder/armpit. I shot down the rest of the dummies, only stopping to reload.

"It looks like you were given the gift of impeccable aim. You only missed once and while the rest of your shots weren't perfect head shots, they were fatal. Good job" Preston said after examining the dummies. He continued to coach and train me with the other guns. Soon enough, I had gone through an assault rifle, a shotgun, and various pistols and handguns.


"Preston, I have a question. What's the point of this gang?"


"I mean, we can't just be killing people for fun, right?"



Preston sighed. "What I'm about to say might hurt. Are you sure you want to know?" I nodded. "Of course. Just tell me"

"There's a couple of gangs that were involved in the death of our parents. However, one gang stands above the rest. Even before you and I joined, Adam and their leader have been rivals for reasons that we don't know. We aren't seeking revenge, but instead bringing karma" Preston sighed.

I scoffed and rolled my eyes, trying to cover up my uncomfortableness. "That can't be the only reason." I pressed Preston for more information. "Well, of course not. Every member of the gang has their own karma to bring. No one knows why until the mission is in roll" Preston explains as I nod understandingly. "I think I'm gonna go sleep on all this information. Thanks, Preston." I smile and hug him before going back to my bed. Considering it was now 5 am, I slept like a little baby.

I woke up the next morning to the sun glaring through the shutters. I proceeded to do my morning stretch/exorcism that everyone does when they wake up. While doing that, I feel my foot nudge something at the foot of my bed. I get up and see that it's my training clothes, with a small note on top. Picking up the note, I read Change into these once you wake up. Second course of training is today -Adam. I obeyed the note, and headed downstairs. "Come on, let's go. No time for breakfast" Adam urged me to follow him. He lead me back down to the hallway of doors; the first door being the 'gun room'.

When he opens the second door, a wretched smell makes me crinkle my nose. However, the only thing behind that door is darkness. "H-hello?" My voice trembles as it echoes throughout the pitch black room. From behind me, a pair of hands, I'm assuming Adams, pushes me forward into the room. A large object strikes me in the side of my head, causing my right ear to ring. The last thing I feel is the cold floor underneath my body before my mind goes black.


Time to put Jasmine to the test... (;

I'm so sorry for not updating in a long, LONG while.. I'll try to keep my updates even from now on.

I have 2.84k reads on this now? Thank you guys so much!! *squeals* This is absolutely unbelievable. I'd like to thank the academy- nah just kidding but thank you all!!

Jasmine Lee signed off

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