Chapter 17

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"I want you to clear your mind. Envision yourself exactly where you are right now, this will allow me to enter your mind and clear it of the memories that are causing you grief"

The voice of the hypnotist echoed through my ears. God I felt stupid, here I was lying on a couch with my eyes closed. It felt like one of those terribly cliche moments you see on TV when someone goes to therapy. Maybe I needed therapy. My dreams had become worse as of late, they didn't scare me anymore they just made me angry. Every night I would close my eyes and there we were back on that rooftop, except he never said anything. I could yell, scream and cry and he would stay the same placid and expressionless, like he was stuck in time.

"Take deep breaths" the hypnotist's voice brought me back to reality breaking through all the thoughts that I weren't meant to be thinking of

"Okay that's it for today"

I frowned

"Why, did it work?" I asked sitting up

"Shay, I can't get through. At least not today, some of these memories are traumatic others are loving. They are going to be hard to forget. So come back tomorrow and try to clear your head" she replied

"Okay, thank you" I said as I exited the office


I stepped onto the streets of Gotham. The wind whipped through the city making the evening rather brisk.

My phone began to ring as I made my way through the heart of Gotham

"Hello?" I answered

"Shay! It's Kyle. Are you around for coffee?"

I breathed a small sigh of relief

"Yeah coffee sounds good. Meet me in town?" I asked

"Great I won't be long" he said before hanging up

I put my phone back in my pocket and began making my way to our usual coffee spot

It was only a few minutes before Kyle walked through the door his thick winter coat ruining his usually stylish look

"Shay" he exclaimed pulling me into a hug

"Here" I said passing him a cup of coffee

"Oh you're a god" he said gratefully taking the cup

"Why do I feel like I haven't seen you in ages" I said

"Because you haven't been around Shay"

My eyes darted to the ground quickly

"I'm really sorry. It's not that I didn't want to hang out it's just complicated" I replied

He smiled at me

"Don't worry about it, you have plenty of time to make up for it now anyway cause I think I heard a rumour that we both got into Columbia"

"No way!! This is going to be great" I said actually feeling excited about something for the first time in ages

"We have to get an apartment" he said grinning

"I second that" I said taking another sip of my coffee

Kyles phone starts buzzing, he frowns before his eyes go wide

"Shoot I was meant to pick up Kaylie and Maddie from their dance practice my mum is going to kill me"

"Go we can catch up another time" I said

"You sure" he replied

"Yeah of course"

"You're the best" he said as he kissed me on the cheek before rushing out of the shop.


As I sat in the coffee shop I came to the unsettling realisation that it was the same shop that the Jokers men had once almost killed Kyle in. I had been so distracted at first I didn't notice, I downed my coffee and swiftly exited the shop.

It was two blocks to my building and I was slightly regretting wearing heels today I sighed as I came to a stop at the lights.

I looked up to see a faint purple coloured car coming down the street. My heart automatically started racing and i began to feel faint. This wasn't happening.

When my eyes refocused I saw it was just an old purple hatchback. I exhaled deeply shaking my head I slowly turned away from the street and headed down a small alley way to get myself back together. I leant against the cold bricks, god I had to get him out of my head this was beginning to get out of control. I stood up slowly my eyes going out of focus I saw the blurry outline of someone at the end of the alley. They were almost 3 meters away when my eyes refocused and even then I couldn't believe them.

"Looking for me princess?"

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