Chapter Eight

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At the beginning of chapters I'm going to recommend a song to listen to while reading. This one is Crystalised by The XX

Love you guys :)

Niall stayed the night that night, and insisted on watching Frozen. I had to stream it, which is illegal, but he was happy and so were we. I loved that movie, one of my friends reminded me of Ana. I skyped her and we laughed about it.

Her name is Madison. I wanted to go to England, and I begged her to come with me but she wanted to go to a veterinarian college in Austrailia. So now she's got a cute little accent, and I'm sure I have one too, but it's funny hearing it come from her.

I feel Niall shuffle next to me. He wanted to share a futon bed with me, I don't know why. He was all cuddled up last night and I swear that boy is a human heater. Not one time did I wake up because I was cold. He was just so warm and his pants were fuzzy and wow.

Sitting up, I look around the room, it's not the best flat, but it's enough. The clock says 10:24, so I get up and go to the kitchen. Mira is still sleeping, and so is Niall. I decide I should make breakfast.

I pull out the boxed pancake mix that my mom sent me, and blueberries. I put in earbuds and turn on Happy by Pharrel, and begin to mix. The pan is on really hot, and butter sizzles. I put a circle of pancake batter on the pan, and add another. This will be Mira's breakfast, and I'll have to make Niall's next, he eats alot.

I find myself singing out loud, and I'm in my own world when a man enters the room, but I didn't see him until he stood directly behind me.


"Shhh," Harry shushed me, putting a large hand over my mouth. He smiled, which I thought was unusual because he hasn't exactly spoken to me for a week or so.

"What are you doing here?" I whispered, yanking my earbuds out. Harry just chuckled and picked up the spatula on the counter, flipping a pancake.

"I asked you a question!" I whispered even louder.

"Shhh, you'll wake Niall, and Satan." He said, laughing at his... clever joke.

"Why are you even here?" I asked, pretty rudely. "You haven't talked to me for so long, just dropping and picking Ni up. You couldn't even have bothered to stay for coffee? How do you go from being so sweet, to ignoring me? I thought we were friends."

He stared at me, and a million different emotions crossed those green eyes. From confusion, to hurt, to anger. I sat and waited for an answer, but upon realizing I wasn't going to get one, I flipped another pancake.

Harry just stayed quiet and sat at the table. I turned and he had his head on it, face buried in his own arms.

I couldn't help it. "Harry?"

"Work," he replied simply. "I've been gone so much because I have a job with terrible hours. It pays well, but it just has horrid times. They call me in, and I have to go or it means trouble for me, and for Ni."

I put the pancakes on a plate and set them on the counter, a giant stack of blueberry ones. Harry looked up, and I realized his eyes were tired, and he rubbed them alot.

"Where do you work, anyways?"

"I cant... tell you. It's just, I'm sorry, Alex I just cant." He stood and walked towards me, and wrapped his arms around my torso, placing his chin on top of my head. "I would if I could."

"Okay," I whispered. I wanted to stay there forever. It was just so wonderful, the feeling of having someone to hug. I never really had that in America, besides Madison and a few other friends nobody really liked much. I'd get a few complements on my hair or a tee, but nobody really thought of me as attractive.

This was a whole other ball game. Life was throwing curveballs, and I was the batter.

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