Chapter Seventeen

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Harry's POV





I looked at her, and I saw her. For the first time I actually saw her. Her beauty, her personality. It showed through her, and I loved it. I could see her attitude towards everything was so differentiating.

I looked at her and she looked at me, unmoving. I was scared, afraid of denial. I shouldn't have even asked...

"Yeah, yeah, I will." Her voice, then sounding like an angel, greeted my deaf-feeling ears. It had been so silent, I almost believed she had said no.

"What?" I asked, not believing what I has hearing.

"I said yeah, now accept it before I change me mind." Alex laughed, and I closed the distance between our mouths. This time, she tasted like cherry Chapstick and mint. I laughed into the kiss and tried to pull her closer.




Alex POV

Harry, Harry. That's all I'm thinking when I sink into my bed at ten. The bed feels softer, the lights seem brighter, the grass seems greener. I don't know why, he's just a boy.

Just a boy...

But how was I ever going to let him closer? My dad, the things he did, it scarred me. I'm still afraid of thunder, I'm still afraid of touch.

Why did I accept?

Well, because its Harry. Under all of his bad boy attitude and looks, he's a giant teddy bear. A heater, a lover.

And I love that.






Harrys POV

I sat on my bed and texted Louis about the events of tonight. He pretty much told me to shut up and that he was sleeping. I just continued to text him because I knew he wasnt sleeping and that he was probably trying to shag DJ.

I feel like such a cockblock.

Doctor Who came on the tele, so I watched a bit. Luckily, it helped me sleep.





Sorry... this is kind of a filler chapter :(



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