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Our lips soon detached and his connected to my neck before he lightly sucked at my skin. Soon finding my sweet, and sensitive spot. He gnaws lightly surely leaving a love bite

A moan and whimper make their way out of my mouth only to be covered with his hand. "You have to be quiet princess," he whispers; his eyes burning into mine.

I nod in reply, as his hand removes itself from my mouth, "Good girl," he smiles, moving both hands under my shirt finding their way to the back of my bra; undoing it and pulling it off. Immediately after my bra is off he pulls my shirt over my head.

My eyes make contact with his and I notice the lust filled in them, I could notice he wanted this as much as I did.

One hand of his gropes my left boob, massaging it lightly as the other hand moves its way into my pants then panties, "you're soaking," he smirks in confidence. "Didn't know I could make you this wet kitten," he grins proudly.

I roll my eyes playfully "Just hurry up and make me feel good," I whine not meaning for it to come out like a beg but I was aching for his touch.

He chuckles, rubbing my clit slowly and I almost let out a moan but remember his wife and my friend-his kid are just outside in the dining room.

Biting down on my lip I squeeze my eyes shut as I feel one finger slip inside me, only adding another a minute later, "Fuck," I mumbled feeling his fingers thrust faster inside me.

Sweat starts forming on my forehead and his lips smash back onto mine; hushing me.

A moan makes its way out of my mouth, and into his as I feel myself reaching my climax and my legs begin to tremble.

I feel a knot in my stomach before I bite down hard on my lip tasting blood as my orgasm comes quickly.

His fingers retract themself from me and I watch them enter his mouth. His lips curve into a smirk, "Tasty," he hummed.

I blush and grab my shirt and bra from the bathroom floor, putting them on as fast as I could.

"You should go out first and I'll be out in a few minutes so it doesn't look weird," he suggests and I nod in agreement.

Wiping the sweat off my forehead with the back of my hand and moving my shirt up a bit to cover the love bite as he had made it quite low, I grab onto the doorknob; turning it and pulling the door open.

Making my way back to the dining room, I take my seat; realising Anne was staring at me with furrowed eyebrows, "Why did you take so long in the bathroom?" she asks in curiosity.

"I-I uhm, it's the time of the month for me and I was having super bad cramps so it kinda hurt to move from the toilet," I shrug, mentally patting myself on the back for making a quick excuse.

"Understandable," she shrugs, going back to eating her food.


Dinner was finally over and I was pulling away from a hug with Anne's mom after thanking her for dinner.

"It was very nice having you over, well it always is," Luke smiles at me.

"Thank you Mr. Hemmings."

"Of course, I was hoping maybe you would want to come over tomorrow only because Anne had mentioned that both of you had English projects and I would be happy to help you two."

"Yeah, sure," I nod, "I never really have anything planned for the weekend so I'd love to get some help with my homework."

"That's great well you should probably be heading home, be safe."

"I always am," I smile as Anne opens the front door for me. "See you tomorrow loser," she laughs.

"Hmm yes see you tomorrow loser," I say looking at Luke one last time, as he gives me a wink and I smirk walking out; heading home.


im sorry the smut and the chapter sucks, i always suck ASS at writing. well i hope you did enjoy this chapter. also i apologise for always taking so long to update. im just stressing about school )-:


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