An Old Friend

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The prince made haste to the castle on the other edge of the capitol city, only stopping as other vehicles got in the way. Many of the citizens stopped to bow and greet the prince before continuing on their way, others stopped and stared at me. I felt uneasy, noting that many probably recognized me still. The Lady of Irinis' words echoed in my head.

It is when she is on the road you should strike, not within a town.

I technically should be safe within the capitol, but that wouldn't stop an informant from going to Irinis.

"What is wrong, Alys?" The prince asked, slightly concerned.

"I feel some people recognize me, your Highness. You see, I escaped from Irinis, anyone that recognizes me will tell the Lady."

"Oh? So, you used to live in Irinis? How did you escape?"

"I had help from a few of my friends. Sir Aindrias and my friends Ginette and Verulus helped me."

"Sir Aindrias? He came back to the capitol right before my hunting trip. He seemed worried. If you had help from him, then you're not just Alys, are you?"

I glanced over to Verulus, knowing he was listening in. He nodded.

"I was Alys of Irinis, but that's not really true. My real mother was a servant of the Lady. Through certain reasons, I was raised as the Lady's daughter until recently. There was a plot to have me killed, Sir Aindrias overheard and quickly orchestrated my escape."

"She didn't train you in dark magic, did she?"

"No, I didn't even know I had any magic until I was with Verulus."

Ramiel nodded. "So why would someone who planned to have you killed want you back?"

"That's why I'm here to see the King. I don't want to send everyone here in the capitol into a panic."

"Understood. We'll arrive at the castle shortly, then I'll take you to my Father. At this time he's in the throne room, listening to complaints. I believe Sir Aindrias is with him, he stepped up to be an advisor after the death of Lady Erina." His voice filled with long felt sadness.

"Lady Erina?"

"She was from our sister kingdom Alame, and had worked in the court there. She was both advisor and ambassador, and the mother of my best friend. My father was quite fond of her and my friend, they were treated like family."

"What happened to her?"

"Lady Erina was murdered by her husband when I was six, we couldn't catch him in time so he escaped and stayed hidden. It's theorized he was a dark magic practitioner."

"What of your friend?"

"She went missing. I pray she is still alive and well, wherever she may be."

I turned my head slightly towards the prince, briefly catching his downcast expression. "You loved this friend?"

"Yes. I don't care if I'm betrothed to the Princess of Alame, my friend means more to me than my title."

I nodded and returned to looking forward, just in time to see the drawbridge to the castle open to let us cross the moat. Not too far away someone had announced the Prince's return.

A group gathered in the main courtyard as the Prince's hunting band halted and began to dismount, servants holding the reigns steady. The Prince dismounted and turned to help me down, beaten by Verulus. I cast Verulus a puzzled look, not understanding why he'd do such a thing. The Prince smiled with a chuckle and turned to a retainer.

"Please inform my father I have returned and desire an audience with him immediately. Tell him it's an urgent matter. I'm going to take my guests to the dining hall, I'm hungry."

The retainer, a young gangly boy of perhaps twelve years of age and slightly pointed ears, bowed. "Yes, my lord. "
I watched him run off, impressed with the boy's speed. Even here in the capitol, many races commingled and lived in harmony.

"Come on, I'm sure you two are hungry as well. We'll dine while we wait for my father."

"Yes, your Highness." I put on a smile, feeling uneasy.

"Again, call me Ramiel."

Verulus and I followed the Prince closely, stopping in the grand dining hall. Long tables were beset with food and drink, elegantly dressed court members gathered in groups, deep in discussions as they ate. The Prince gathered some food and gestured us to do the same. I grabbed a little, not very hungry. Verulus glanced at my meager portion and copied, sitting next to me. I hardly had a chance to pick at my bread before the retainer from earlier came back, followed by none other than noble armored Sir Aindrias.

I jumped up and ran to Sir Aindrias, hugging him.

"Alys, what are you doing here? You were supposed to stay in Vale." He returned my hug, speaking sternly.

"I'm sorry Sir, but it is important. I'm glad you made it back here just fine though." I smiled.

"I was surprised to hear you had arrived with the prince, I presume he treated you well?"

I nodded. "Prince Ramiel has been generous to Verulus and I. Speaking of Verulus, he's been assigned to be my mentor by the Headmaster in Vale. I was accepted into the School of Erwignan."

"Congratulations child. Promise me you won't turn to dark magic." Sir Aindrias looked at me concerned.

"I promise. I am not like her."

"Good. Now, I've have news. The king is aware you are here and have requested council. You are to meet him for supper, Verulus and I will be there as well."

I nodded. "I guess that gives me time to do a few things. Verulus and I need to find lodging, I don't think we'll be headed to where we need to go tonight,"

"I can have rooms prepared for you here in the castle, perhaps I can show you around the city?" Ramiel offered.

"Alys you need to practice your magic." Verulus grumbled.

I turned to the both of them. "I can do both things, just not at the same time. I don't know what has gotten into the both of you, and I don't like it."

Ramiel chuckled. "Verulus, I hope you will forgive me. I mean no harm."

Verulus only shrugged.

I sighed as Sir Aindrias looked at the both of them with a smile. "Unfortunately, my lady, I cannot go with you out into the city, I must return to the king. I recommend you visit the church, I think you'll like the fountain there."

Verulus perked up at this. "I've heard about that fountain, it's supposed to be beautiful."

The prince nodded. "Father Anxo should be back by now, he can tell you all about it. We'll go as soon as you two are ready."

I gave Sir Aindrias a parting hug.

"I'll see you later, my lady. Safe travels."

"To you as well."

I watched Sir Aindrias leave, heading back with the retainer. I turned to the prince and Verulus.

"Im ready to go."

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